alright so i got into my morning jacket a little before hearing them open up for pearl jam on the u.s. tour this year.....anyway i'm glad i did. they are by far my favorite band other than pearl jam at the moment. anyway i own the okonokos (great cd) and it still moves and z. i don't know what everyone else thinks about those two albums but i think they are both classics. i liked it still moves better at first and now i'm starting to lean more towards z. it truly is a masterpiece. i didn't get it at first but after a few repeated listens, wow...this album really blows me away. anyway the point of this is i can't find tennessee fire or at dawn anywhere so i'm gonna have to order them....i'm curious to hear from people that have heard the albums how they stack up to it still moves and z, and why it seems like no store really carries these albums, at least where i live. also curious if they each sound completely different than the other two because the two that i have are both great and sound completely unique from each other.
Post edited by Unknown User on
They are all pretty good albums in my opinion.
As for their first 2 records, both are essential, but will take some more time to digest and settle than Z would. Z was much more streamlined, poppier affair than the other 3, thus making it more accessible and catchier quicker. It was also the first time they brought in a (co)-producer (John Leckie no less) to help things out. Knowing they did those first 3 records basically all by themselves (no hired producer), in good small company, in the middle of the Kentucky country, well my respect for 'em is nothing short of huge.
Since At Dawn and The Tennessee Fire were both released under their old label(s) Darla and Wichita, both indpendents, I wouldn't imagine them being available at a Best Buy/Circuit City/large music chain type place. I could be wrong though. I'd check around for any independent/smaller stores around your area. Hastings is a chain in Texas that fortunately has pretty good selection/quantity and carries the big names as well as the smaller, more independent label stuff. I typically get stuff online now so I can avoid places like Best Buy, plus if you look hard enough, you can save $$$.
Gonna go pick those 2 up. Since getting into MMJ I'd have to say they are my new fave. band too. I'm really inspired my them. Can't stop listening (when I'm not listening to PJ, that is)......:-)
if that makes any sense.
basically, definitely pick up tennessee fire and at dawn. especially at dawn.
But some of their best stuff is other releases. Get their EP's as well, COBRA is a fantastic song.
some love for KY baby
if i was to rank them
1- It still moves
2- At Dawn
3- Tennessee Fire
4- Z
" I Will Feel Alive as Long as I am Free"
"Are We Getting SomeThing Out Of this All Encompassing Trip? Makes Much More Sense To Live In The Present Tense"
Some die just to live.
ttf might take a couple listens to get into but trust me it will hit you and you will realize how fuckin good it really is...right now its my favorite mmj album, but thats always changing