Help, I Need Foreign Punk

I need help compliling a playlist of foreign punk tunes. And when I say foreign I mean sung NOT in English. This would include Die toten Hosen or plastic bertrand etc etc.
Also bands that sing in english but have one or two songs in another language. ie NOFX doing "Champs dy Elysses".
With the combined music knowledge of this board, it shouldn't be too hard. Right?
Also bands that sing in english but have one or two songs in another language. ie NOFX doing "Champs dy Elysses".
With the combined music knowledge of this board, it shouldn't be too hard. Right?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sorry bro, I'm a big, ugly hairy dude and nothing but. But I will update the title.
you can't change the title my man... but ugly hairy dude aside... i hope you achieve your foreign punk quest :cool:
Try Los Violadores from Argentina...Die Toten Hosen plays one tune of them very often. it´s called "uno, dos, ultraviolento"
The name of band is Kino, it's Russian post-punk band that was popular in the in the 80's.
1. I'm a libertarian, give me a break.
2. I was brought to every single Gas Huffer and Grunt Truck show imaginable when I was younger here in Seattle. So I was raised on Grunge and Punk.
3. I'm the host of a radio show that plays a lot of grunge, punk, psychobilly, etc. I need new music I've never heard of.
4. Not all punk is left wing anti-establishment stuff anyway, and no I'm not talking nazi shit either. How anti-establishment were the Ramones? Johnny Ramone himself was a hardcore right winger.
5. What are you the punk police, make yourself useful and give me some foreign artists.
lol, a good one!!!
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
i hate punk actually. think it sucks. just wanted to give you shit.
Lofofora (France)
Les Breastfeeders (Québec)
Vulgaires Machins (Québec)
Les Marmottes Applaties (Québec)
La Descente du Coude (Québec)
Le Nombre (Québec)
and there's a ton more that i never heard about...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Plastic Bertrand is considered punk? Now I have Ca Plane Pour Moi stuck in my head :mad:
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
I was listening to Beru before Pearl Jam, they're definitly a classic punk bands, sapperskunk should play them on his show...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I totally am. I like these guys a lot, I'm playing Au Quebec along with some Los Violadores. Unfortunately I checked out the other artists mentioned and they were a little too "off" for the show.
But thanks everybody, I gotta burn this CD and head to class. But thanks again and tune in for the greatest rock show this side of the Euphrates at 8:00 pm Pacific at KSER.ORG We take requests at 425 303-9070
Oh and "Ca plane pour moi" is close enough. Sorry I got it stuck in your head.
That's great about Berurriers Noirs, after posting in this thread i had to listen to their music, it's the first time i listen to music in the "tape cassette" format in years
Out of the bands i named, Les Breastfeeders are my favorite, i like their garage rock n roll sound, i'm sure you could find a song that fits your show, and Ça Plane Pour Moi sure is a catchy song...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau