Bad Radio
So I was thinking the other day as I saw a coming attraction for that movie The Rocker(he gets booted from the band) with Dwight from the office in it. Do you think the guys from Bad Radio where pissed when Eddie left and went to Seattle? I mean do you think it was a conversation like, look I am just going up to check these guys out I don't think anything will come of it but I just want to check them out. Or do you think it was, guys I just got a tape from the some former Mother Love Bone members and they want me to come up and jam with them. What should I do?
Thats a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?
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Wiki says: Vedder's last show with Bad Radio was February 11, 1990. After Vedder left, original band vocalist Keith Wood replaced him, and the band relocated to Hollywood, where the band was joined by a new drummer, Dawn Richardson. Richardson would later join the 4 Non Blondes.
PJ's first show was 8 months later, so it happened pretty quick. Pretty amazing he went from leaving a band, pumpin gas, to heading PJ.
I don't know about never being pissed or upset. I mean if they where still together when Ed left then I could see them being a little pissed. Think about it, they where in a band making music playing out, getting the band name out there. I mean its not easy to build up steam when you are in a band and if there was any steam built up Eddie left to play with another group.
Don't get me wrong that happens all the time and they may not have been going anywhere but still, they wrote music together and put tracks down so they had some vested interest in the band.
Like I said, if Eddie was already out of the band at that point then none of this took place anyway so it doesn't really matter.
Ed didn't leave Bad Radio to go to another band. He spent seven/eight months after leaving Bad Radio pumping gas before he got Stone's demo from Jack Irons.
If you hate something, don't you do it too
like i said, i didn't know if he left before or not and if he did then this is not an issue.