they played at a tiny tiny club right by where i work here in calgary... but i missed the show :( wasn't in town.. definetely wanna check em out though!
I've seen them twice. They are pretty good, not mind blowing though. I listen to the first 5 songs on HRP about everyday. I'm surprised they aren't bigger.
I was planning on seeing them but I forgot the date and missed the show. But Minus the Bear is sweet I was scrolling through my music on my computer and came across Memphis And 53rd and I have no idea how it got there but im glad it was there.
San Diego 2003
Grand Rapids 2004
Grand Rapids 2006
Detroit 2006
Columbus 2010
I don't really dig on Menos El Oso much but Highly Refine dPirates is completely essential listening. "I los all my money at the cockfights" is gorgeous
i just saw them this past friday and wow, they are great!!!!!!!!!!! do u guys see any pj influence on them? I certainly do. THeir lead guitarist definitely has got pieces of mccready in him. what a show. i'll definitely see them again, asap!
Saw them this past Thursday at El Rey (Hollywood) with my great pal-around buddy. What a pleasantly surprising show (discounting the openers; sorry, but not my bag). Younger crowd, but that's cool with me... Excellent guitar work, and the band got tighter as the night wore on. Besides, who can resist a lime green t-shirt that says "MT Fucking B" on it? Not me.
Never allow someone to be your Priority,
While allowing yourself to be their Option.
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
I really think these guys are underated. Love all their albums and they have the best song titles ever.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
San Diego 2003
Grand Rapids 2004
Grand Rapids 2006
Detroit 2006
Columbus 2010
"With my own two hands I can change the world."
'They Make Beer Commercials Like This' is probably one of the greatest EP's i've heard.
'Fine + 2 pts' is such an awesome song.
While allowing yourself to be their Option.
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