
muppetmuppet Posts: 980
edited August 2008 in Other Music
What's this? A band from the UK that isn't a walking, whining Topshop advert? Even more proof that I should never have moved from Scotland to England.
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  • stu geestu gee Posts: 1,174
    My favourite Scottish band behind Mogwai but they are definitely a love them or hate them type band. I know they have been getting a lot of criticism because NME have been hyping them a lot but i love them. A lot of the time a very strong accent is offputting with a band but i really like them and they are excellent live. Saw them for the first time a couple years ago and again in July at T in the Park. As i said though, i know a lot of people who cant stand them, which is fair enough, but ive been watching their rise for a while and im glad the're getting recognition. Quite a cool story is that the drummer wasnt even a drummer at first, she was just one of their friends who started playing because her friends were starting a band, which is why its pretty basic i assume, but it works. :)
    People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    It's not really my kind of music but of all the mainstream UK guitar bands around at the moment, these are the best. Firstly, I love any band that isn't ashamed to sing in a scottish accent, especially a Glaswegian one, what with it being the finest accent of all. Secondly, as you say, they aren't a walking Topshop ad.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    They were pretty damn boring when they supported Kings Of Leon at Brixton a few weeks ago. That and the drummer girl was just about the worst drummer I've ever heard - it was like school music lessons all over again!
  • stu geestu gee Posts: 1,174
    I like their lyrics, it just reminds me of stuff growing up. This sounds stupid, but one thing i always remembered my dad saying to me when i was a kid was if i was ever being bullied, or picked on, i should punch him in the jaw 'and they'll no do it again' lol, just something i remembered from my childhood, and then many, meany years later i heard Go Square Go by Glasvegas and read the lyrics and its just about the same situation. Its all pretty simple, but it works for me.

    Lyrics to Go Square Go :
    If he wants to fight you
    at the school gates
    half past four grab your bag
    don’t you be late
    if he wants to hit you
    hit you in the face
    if he wants to hurt you
    in front of your mates
    if he wants you to run away
    run away run away
    dont you fucking run away

    go square go!

    dont you wait for the bell
    to ring ding-a-ling-a-ling
    one step forward then a
    don’t you make me
    go down to the pub
    with all my mates knowing
    some individual smashed you up
    its just something
    that you’ll have to face
    face to face
    man to man
    here and now
    biff bang pow

    go square go!

    i don’t really feel too good
    my heart is beating faster
    my dad told me
    not to come home
    if I don’t kill this bastard
    my dad is right, my dad is right
    my dad is right, my dad is right
    win, lose or draw the fight
    this bullying has got to stop tonight

    here we, here we
    here we fucking go
    People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
  • JordyWordyJordyWordy Posts: 2,261
    some of the songs are quite good, but their live performance was fairly uninspiring. some of their songs on radio are very catchy though.
  • They're not very interesting. The music itself is inoffensive enough, but certainly not special. They'd benefit from a decent, proper drummer. The chick they've got couldn't even give Meg White a run for her money.
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