just went up for sale at the BRMC site. all instrumental new album. $6
anyone get this yet?
I got home from a show at about 3 AM so I was wide awake to get it when it went live at 3:33 AM. I was their 18th sale.
I fell alseep listening to it with headphones on...ambient is an appropriate description of the sounds; very much like Nine Inch Nails "Ghosts", which I liked, but more industrial.
"And With This Comes" sounds like an alt-take on "20 Hours"...I like that a lot. If you read the song titles together, they kind of read like an abstract poem.
Glad these guys kept the productive juices flowing during what seems like a 3-year tour. Those dudes need some rest.
i didn't know it was out either, i just happened to do a search on wikipedia.
I got home from a show at about 3 AM so I was wide awake to get it when it went live at 3:33 AM. I was their 18th sale.
I fell alseep listening to it with headphones on...ambient is an appropriate description of the sounds; very much like Nine Inch Nails "Ghosts", which I liked, but more industrial.
"And With This Comes" sounds like an alt-take on "20 Hours"...I like that a lot. If you read the song titles together, they kind of read like an abstract poem.
Glad these guys kept the productive juices flowing during what seems like a 3-year tour. Those dudes need some rest.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.