Prince is the Man

How underrated is Prince/the symbol guy on guitar? His name always seems to get overlooked, but he can shread with the BEST of them. Check out this video. Him at the Rock n roll HOF induction where he played for George Harrison (Prince was inducted that night too) - With Petty/willberry dudes, his solo he does 2/3 of the way in ins insane!
[url=mms://]mms:// ... ps_450.wmv[/url]
enjoy this...I just wish it was on good audio
[url=mms://]mms:// ... ps_450.wmv[/url]
enjoy this...I just wish it was on good audio
Post edited by Unknown User on
Peace and Love
I don't think he's underrated at at...I think that he's just so good that he's unmentioned because he's a given, a no-brainer.
He's Prince.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
my friend had this video linked on a blog and I would watch it like everyday, he also had the Prince medley and I was going to post the link but it doesn't work now, shitty.
Chris Cornell