Interesting tidbit of trivia...

bjf143bjf143 Posts: 147
edited September 2006 in Other Music
So often, you have "stones fans vs. beatles fans"...well, did you know that w/o out the beatles, the stones as we know them today might not exist??

you see, when the beatles first started out, they were very much a "ruffian" band (first know as the quarrymen and then as the silver beatles)...a few of them were from the "wrong side of the tracks"...and i believe ringo was from an extremely bad part of liverpool or thereabouts. anyways, when they were first starting out, brian epstein didn't feel that this tough and rough image would sell, so he turned them into the mop top fab four we know them as today...

now, as for the stones, when they first started out, they were a band with a very "nice" image...all well groomed and well educated boys (i believe mick jagger has a econ degree from oxford, actually). However, their mgr/publicist/whomever at the time, figured that if they continued with that image, they would never make it big b/c there was already a band out there like that...called the beatles. so, the stones were made into the antithesis of the beatles and they became the rough and wild rolling stones we know of today...

interesting stuff, huh?? that's what taking a history of rock n' roll class in college will do for ya... :)
"Actually, we're a complete fraud. We can't sing, play or write songs, we get other people to do it for us. We also pay radio stations lots of money to tell kids to buy our records and wear clothes like us."


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