Great song lyrics

A list of great song lyrics from all differant artists...
So forget this cruel world, Where I belong/
I'll just sit and wait, and sing my song/
and if one day, you should see me in the crowd/
lend a hand and lift me, to your place in the clouds .
- nick drake, cello song
So forget this cruel world, Where I belong/
I'll just sit and wait, and sing my song/
and if one day, you should see me in the crowd/
lend a hand and lift me, to your place in the clouds .
- nick drake, cello song
I scream in affirmation
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
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walking thirty miles with a pack on his back
and he put down his load where he thought it was the best
made a home in the wilderness
he built a cabin and a winter store
and he ploughed up the ground by the cold lake shore
and the other travellers came riding down the track
and they never went further, no, they never went back
then came the churches then came the schools
then came the lawyers then came the rules
then came the trains and the trucks with their loads
and the dirty old track was the telegraph road
Then came the mines - then came the ore
then there was the hard times then there was a war
telegraph sang a song about the world outside
telegraph road got so deep and so wide
like a rolling river. . .
And my radio says tonight it's gonna freeze
people driving home from the factories
there's six lanes of traffic
three lanes moving slow. . .
I used to like to go to work but they shut it down
I got a right to go to work but there's no work here to be found
yes and they say we're gonna have to pay what's owed
we're gonna have to reap from some seed that's been sowed
and the birds up on the wires and the telegraph poles
they can always fly away from this rain and this cold
you can hear them singing out their telegraph code
all the way down the telegraph road
You know I'd sooner forget but I remember those nights
when life was just a bet on a race between the lights
you had your head on my shoulder you had your hand in my hair
now you act a little colder like you don't seem to care
but believe in me baby and I'll take you away
from out of this darkness and into the day
from these rivers of headlights these rivers of rain
from the anger that lives on the streets with these names
'cos I've run every red light on memory lane
I've seen desperation explode into flames
and I don't want to see it again. . .
>From all of these signs saying sorry but we're closed
all the way down the telegraph road
~it is shining it is shining~
No one cares about my ways.
In the garage, where I belong.
No one hears me sing this song.
In the garage.
Some are born;
Some men die beneath one infinite sky.
There'll be war, there'll be peace.
But everything one day will cease.
All the iron turned to rust;
All the proud men turned to dust.
And so all things, time will mend.
So this song will end.
pink floyd - "childhood's end"
of connecting dislocations
and exceeding limitations
by achieving levitation
Do You Realize - we're floating in space -
Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Once upon a time, my advice to you would have been go out and find yourself a whore
But I guess I've grown up, because I don't give that kind of advice anymore
Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt
I was 27 when I figured out that blowing my brains wasn't the answer
So I decided, maybe I should find a way to make this world work out for me
And my good friend Paul was 83 when he told me; that "To love is to feel pain"
And I thought about that then and I've thought about that again and again
Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt
"To love is to feel pain" there ain't no way around it
The very nature of love is to grieve when it is over
The secret to a happy ending is knowing when to role the credits
Better role them now before something else goes wrong
No, it's a wonderful world, if you can put aside the sadness
And hang on to every ounce of beauty upon you
Better take the time to know it there ain't no way around it
If you feel anything at all
Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt
So if what you have is working for you, or you think that it can stand a reasonable chance, and whatever's broken seems fixable and nothing's beyond repair
If you still think about each other and smile before you remember how screwed up it's gotten or maybe dream of a time less rotten
Remember, it ain't too late to take a deep breath and throw yourself into it with everything you got
It's great to be alive
Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt / Gonna be a world of hurt
Can you even imagine how this all went wrong
Was supposed to be good trip
We're all supposed to feel like we belong
Don't pitch me the script
I've got a suggestion for the end of it
Don't beat up your computer, don't downplay your soul
Don't find it wanting when you've lost control
Just like the stories they tell ya
Just like the tripe that they sell ya
Just like the damned you say 'hell yeah'
Watch out
You can never be certain if anyone is really a friend
This could be such a sweet thing
We all should be leaving in the end
Your network's gone down
No one can connect you up in this town
You scoped out a slot, you scooped out a niche
You're strutting along on the end of a leash
Just like the stories they tell ya
Just like the tripe that they sell ya
Just like the damned you say 'hell yeah'
Help me
Can't find my way back
I feel like I'm already off the map
This should have been such a pleasure
I thought it would all fall right in my lap
Conversing with cash
You've cashed all your chips
You fished out my sea, see
You dropped all the drips
Just like the stories they tell ya
Just like the tripe that they sell ya
Just like the damned you say 'hell yeah'
~it is shining it is shining~
The tale of two brothers...a memoir
Remember that kid we beat up back in college
Me, you, and Thompson out in front of the frat
And that hippie went home crying to his parents
I can't believe you got us out of that
How sweet was that
God we were drunk
Drove around all night after it with that keg in the trunk
And when the cop pulled us over
You talked us out of that, too
You got away with it
You got away
You get away with
The things that you say
I had to quit partying about a year and a half after you did
I don't regret it though, I think it was fun
Besides, it was the 70's
We were a couple of rich kids
And aside from that one hippie
We never really hurt anyone
Well, there's that other thing that I won't even say
As God as my witness I'll take that to my grave
Cause that was an accident
And you did what you had to do
You got away with it
You got away
You get away with
The things that you say
I worry forever
Never for you
You'll get away with it
You always do
You never did tell me what happened with you and your brother down there in Florida
I heard they gave you a hell of a time
Everybody around here was afraid you might lose
I told them not to worry cause I knew you'd be fine
Had me out here to Camp David a few times over the years
I think the first time we were teenagers sneakin' beers
Look at you now you old son of a bitch
You got the run of this place
You got away with it
You got away
You got away with
The things that you say
I worry forever
Never for you
You'll get away with it
You always do
You'll get away with
This new thing too
...walk right up to a brand new day....
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
"Leave the ways that are making you be
What you really don't want to be/
Leave the ways that are making you love
What you really don't want to love"
Beck, "E-Pro/Ghost Range":
"Talking trash to the garbage around you"
PJ Sparks