Reo Speedewagon Still Rocks Out!

I went to a free concert last night. A local classic rock station puts it on every year and they call it the FoxFest. So cool of them to give everyone around a chance to see a live rock concert for those who cannot afford to see any concerts this year/summer. There were four acts: The Rockit King out of
Detroit City, The Outer Vibe, The TUBES and REO. It was all kick ass!
The Rockit King can be checked out here:
Then there was The Outer Vibe. They won an Aris Hamper's Rock Music Search. Aris is a local DJ/icon that is a sheer rock and roll expert having been a DJ here since the 70's. Anyhow...check out You'd be amazed at the sound they produce with the girl on the trumpet! She rocks out on that trumpet! They are a young group with much, much stage presece and very talented on all the the them rise fast! They opened for the Tubes and blended perfectly. Too cool!
The Tubes were cool to hear see again and for those of you who forgot what they may now think..."oh ya, they sing that one!", then laugh at yourself. I personally enjoyed White Punks On Dope which was cool back in the day and still is! They rocked out with theatrics and all....very fun guys would love to party with them!
Last but not least was REO. Last time I saw them was back in 1983 or 84 with Cheap Trick. Man, for the age that they are now (you could hear the crowd in unison say...ohhhh...very softly then grin. We were all thrilled to see them rock out like they do. It was incredilble actually. They sound just like they did back in their prime if not better! Now, who doesn't know their stuff?! it was simply a fantastic performance. They played sll the old favorites and of course, some new music. Incredible energy... STILL! I hope you pay them a homage by checking out their website.
Well, that is all folks! And of course, this chick is still joansin for more Live Pearl Jam. Who Isn't?!
Maybe we will find face value tickets for a lkick ass Tom Petty/PJ concert somewhere. Here's to wishes coming true before time runs out!
Lori Denine
Detroit City, The Outer Vibe, The TUBES and REO. It was all kick ass!
The Rockit King can be checked out here:
Then there was The Outer Vibe. They won an Aris Hamper's Rock Music Search. Aris is a local DJ/icon that is a sheer rock and roll expert having been a DJ here since the 70's. Anyhow...check out You'd be amazed at the sound they produce with the girl on the trumpet! She rocks out on that trumpet! They are a young group with much, much stage presece and very talented on all the the them rise fast! They opened for the Tubes and blended perfectly. Too cool!
The Tubes were cool to hear see again and for those of you who forgot what they may now think..."oh ya, they sing that one!", then laugh at yourself. I personally enjoyed White Punks On Dope which was cool back in the day and still is! They rocked out with theatrics and all....very fun guys would love to party with them!
Last but not least was REO. Last time I saw them was back in 1983 or 84 with Cheap Trick. Man, for the age that they are now (you could hear the crowd in unison say...ohhhh...very softly then grin. We were all thrilled to see them rock out like they do. It was incredilble actually. They sound just like they did back in their prime if not better! Now, who doesn't know their stuff?! it was simply a fantastic performance. They played sll the old favorites and of course, some new music. Incredible energy... STILL! I hope you pay them a homage by checking out their website.
Well, that is all folks! And of course, this chick is still joansin for more Live Pearl Jam. Who Isn't?!
Maybe we will find face value tickets for a lkick ass Tom Petty/PJ concert somewhere. Here's to wishes coming true before time runs out!
Lori Denine