Seasonal Playlists

mdigenakismdigenakis Posts: 1,337
edited September 2008 in Other Music
anybody else create these? I add songs every passing season to a playlist created sometimes as long as 2 - 3 years ago. Interesting to recall musicthat got you through a moment just a year ago.

Some of the song choices are pretty interesting:
All fired up, Heinrich manuever, Mammoth- Interpol
Eleanor Rigby- Godhead
The day the world went away- NIN
Revival - Orgy
Breath, Undone- Pearl jam
Vanish the horrible night- Powerglove
Secret knowledge of backroads- pavement
In the backseat- Arcade fire
Enjoy the silence- Lacuna coil
Fisherman's blues- Waterboys
and more damn good songs!

I'm a sucker for these.
"Don't let the darkness eat you up..."

-Greg Dulli

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