Important Newark Ticket Info!!
Hi Everyone, For those of you trying to tickets to NJPAC tomorrow on the web, I HIGHLY recommend you going onto the ticketing site tonight and setting up a ticket account. This way all your info is already into their system and you will not be held up adding it all tomorrow. It will also help you get off and others get on quickly. It's not a ticketmaster system. Here's the link and best of luck!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
And I'll go one further and tell you to call into the hotline. I have been on the site a lot the past couple of days and have seen all sorts of database errors. I think they are in no way shape or form capable of handling the amount of traffic that is going to happen at 1:00pm tomorrow. Seriously, try it but I would continually hit redial on your phone.
Trust's 1:00pm.