Rancid Tonite!

Hey guys, just wondering who else is going to the show tonite at the Kool Haus. I had 3 friends back out on me 2 days before the concert (which i'm pissed off about), but anyways, i'm going by myself. Hopefully i don't get bored between the Hostage Life and Rancid performances, so i'll drink till i don't care anymore hahaha. Well i have 3 extra tickets so if anybody wants em let me know, they were about 35bux after taxes and stuff and I thought i'd give somebody here them instead of selling them to a scalper... anyways if you are going tonite anyways and wanna have a couple beers before the show let me know cause i'll bringin down a 24.
"I'll ride the wave where it takes me"
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
Post edited by Unknown User on
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
Have fun at the show.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
very cool...both the concert and your gesture. good on ya!
...also the comment made by odin was uncalled for. you're trying to do a good thing and that's what you get in response?! ridiculous.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
ya, and out comes the wolves is my favourite rancid cd aswell and the follow-up wasn't that great, but there are some great songs on that cd like Bloodclot, Hoover Street, Warsaw, Hooligans, and Cash, Culture and Voilence (can't think of anymore off the top of my head). I was at the Warped Tour show aswell and this one was alot better in my opinion even though that show was great aswell... The best thing about this band is that they don't rip you off on merch sales, it was 15bux for a shirt (i got the and out comes the wolves shirt) and all there cds were there for 10bux. Hoodies and Jackets were only 40bux aswell (i didn't get any of them though).
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
was that in august this year?? i headed back to ireland 2 days before they played in axis/avalon on lansdowne st!!!! was quite pissed!!
have been to their one and only irish gig.....in the olympia theatre 2003!!
01/06/00 dublin
23/08/06 dublin
11/09/06 paris
18/06/07 london
17/08/09 manchester
18/08/09 london
Tim Armstrong has even said that he doesn't like the way that ...And out come the wolves came out. Life won't wait is simply an amazing CD. I would guess that 75% of rancid fans like it better than ...and out come the wolves.
Yea it was in august I went to second night, wanted to go the first to see h2o but was stuck seeing theo and the scrappers (they sucked)
They're the two best Rancid albums in my opinion...Indestructible is up there too, bu those two are just amazing
Some die just to live.
that made my night.
Fuck the Leafs
Life Wont Wait kicks some serious arse, seriously it is an amazing record, I dont think there is a song I dislike on that record, so much variation, awesome.