They are an acquired taste and a lot of their songs are jokey, but I wouldn't label them as a "novelty act". Dean Ween is a really good guitarist, and on a typical night they play for 2 1/2 hours plus (at least the last time I saw them this was the case).
I like the Lips and what they do - everyone should see them in concert - but aside from a few songs, I haven't been able to get into their music.
"As long as the music's loud enough, we won't hear the world falling apart."—Jubilee
"I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions." - George Carlin
They are an acquired taste and a lot of their songs are jokey, but I wouldn't label them as a "novelty act". Dean Ween is a really good guitarist, and on a typical night they play for 2 1/2 hours plus (at least the last time I saw them this was the case).
I like the Lips and what they do - everyone should see them in concert - but aside from a few songs, I haven't been able to get into their music.
Dean Ween, and that's his real name is it? if not then how can they not be a novelty act with a name like that?
on a side note though i must confess to have never had the pleasure of hearing them anyway so what's my opinion really worth.....;)
Of course the Lips are one of my five favorite bands ever, so I'm going to be very one-sided on this one.
Plus both bands put on amazing fucking shows.
that's kinda backwards dude.
flaming lips are weird as hell, true, but they are also amazing and have created some of the best music of the past 20 years.
ween are a novelty act.
They are an acquired taste and a lot of their songs are jokey, but I wouldn't label them as a "novelty act". Dean Ween is a really good guitarist, and on a typical night they play for 2 1/2 hours plus (at least the last time I saw them this was the case).
I like the Lips and what they do - everyone should see them in concert - but aside from a few songs, I haven't been able to get into their music.
"I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions." - George Carlin
Dean Ween, and that's his real name is it? if not then how can they not be a novelty act with a name like that?
on a side note though i must confess to have never had the pleasure of hearing them anyway so what's my opinion really worth.....;)
Ween doing there own songs? You tell me...
But I will say that "White Pepper" is really good.
Now I'm quite a fan. They are freaky but brilliant.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
The little ditty at the end of It Overtakes Me is fucking beautiful (The Stars Are So Big And I'm So Small, Do I Stand a Chance?).