
Is this guy serious??

Kg12Kg12 Posts: 18
edited June 2006 in Other Music
I can't make out if this guy is serious or not!
It is so bad it is funny, his timings are so out its a wonder he dares put anything on the net!
And the voice is......errrm can't decide! A weird ( but poor ) morph of Eddie Vedder and Tom Waits!
Surely this is tongue in cheek, has to be????

Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Yeah I heard this ages ago. Made me laugh my arse off; I WANT it to be tongue in cheek, I do. But I think it's serious. The world has gone to pot.
    'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'

    - the great Sir Leo Harrison
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    Kg12Kg12 Posts: 18
    Yeah I heard this ages ago. Made me laugh my arse off; I WANT it to be tongue in cheek, I do. But I think it's serious. The world has gone to pot.

    Maybe that's what he was smoking when he recorded that........errrmm
    ......can anyone come up with a different term than music?
    Cos music it aint!

    Throwing my own hat into the ring i would call it music, but take out the M and the U and add a K after the C! ;-)
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