getting it tomorrow, the new single wasn't that good but as usual, morrissey's b-sides are his best songs.
if you get a chance, download the you have killed me EP off of itunes.
you're getting all the b-sides from the 2 you have killed me singles for 3.96.
I don't think he'll ever top Your Arsenal or Vauxhall & I.
I'm picking this up from town tomorrow...from a friend i've heard the album is pretty good- a couple of week tracks, but some really positive stuff there.
I wasn't overly impressed with You have killed's just quite an average pop song...but then again, i wasn't blown away with Irish Blood at first...I caught him live on tour twice the other year, and that much heightened my appreciation for YATQ.
I have to agree with the previous post though- based on everything the guy has acheived and influenced thus far- he is in a league far superior to pretty much anyone else in the business.
Situations get fucked up and turned around sooner or later...
I wasn't too enthused on the first 2-3 listens, but it's growing on me now. YHKM is one of the weaker tracks, a sentiment I've come across from more rabid Mozzer fans than I. Life is a Pigsty, I Will See You in Far Off Places & To Me You Are a Work of Art are my favourites. Morrissey's vocals are excellent throughout the whole album.
Overall, I think it's an okay album. I like YATQ much better, though.
I loved it just have to get it as soon as possible.
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'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
if you get a chance, download the you have killed me EP off of itunes.
you're getting all the b-sides from the 2 you have killed me singles for 3.96.
I don't think he'll ever top Your Arsenal or Vauxhall & I.
'Life is a Pigsty' is probably the most beautiful song ever. "I've been shifting gears all of my life..." Man when that kicks in....chills...
And Youngset Was The Most Loved is the best pop song he's done since The Smiths Girlfriend in a Coma.
Morrissey is and always will be a fucking legend.
I wasn't overly impressed with You have killed's just quite an average pop song...but then again, i wasn't blown away with Irish Blood at first...I caught him live on tour twice the other year, and that much heightened my appreciation for YATQ.
I have to agree with the previous post though- based on everything the guy has acheived and influenced thus far- he is in a league far superior to pretty much anyone else in the business.
IMO the best Morrisey album is "Vauxhall and I" followed closely by "Your Arsenal". But I like these last two better than his previous two.
Overall, I think it's an okay album. I like YATQ much better, though.