new tool video

pjdude24pjdude24 Posts: 19
edited April 2006 in Other Music
Anyone know anything about it? Just curious b/c I know it will be epic. I can sort of picture it, but will totally be blown away when I see it. Also, people are saying there are only 5 listenable songs on the album. Is it that bad or is it just different? Can someone give an analysis of those songs?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • cant really help you, havent heard of a video and havent listened to any of the other songs except the single.

    But the hype around this cd is almost unbelievable.

    Seems to me, tool are one of those bands that their fans think every cd is a masterpiece, and my personal opinion is that they are right.

    However, the reviews of the leak of 10000 days have been mixed, many people seem to say, this is a recycled tool cd with unoriginal and recycled riffs and melodies. Which is surprising.

    I am still holding out hope for a decoy, that tool pulled one of the biggest pranks in music history, by promoting a decoy album, by making the record company listen to a decoy album and leading them to believe that this was the actual record, fooling fans into thinking a leaked cd was in fact the real cd.

    I am buying the cd no matter what, but I kind of hope they tricked us all.

    I mean after all this is a band that posted a fake report that they were killed in a bus crash!
  • JamnPearlJamnPearl Posts: 204
    They said a while back that Adam was working on a music video, but I haven't seen any other news about it since that post on Tool's site.

    I really don't care if the riffs are similiar to previous albums, I still think the album is awesome. 10,000 Days is one the best Tool songs out of all the albums IMO.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Where can I hear this new Tool that everyone is raving about?
    Your first few listens, this album will PISS YOU OFF. It sucks hard, or so you think at first, especially if you were expecting something really heavy. 10 listens later it gets a lot better. For me, TOOL has always sunk in really quickly, instantly catchy and listenable. This one wasn't so much... It's amazing how much less patience I have for every band outside of Pearl Jam. Everyone of PJ's cd's after Vitalogy really took me a long time to appreciate. with Tool, I was cursing them out after 5 listens.

    Anyway, Vicarious probably is still the best song on the disk--maybe. Maybe THE POT, which has the gayest intro to a song EVER. We're talkin "Mr. Slave from South Park Gay." ahhahaah You gotta hear Maynard's singing... He sounds like one of the New Kids on the Block. Then the song takes on a real Aenima/Undertow once you get past the first few seconds, and starts to kick ass.

    At first you will definitley think there is only 5 decent songs, maybe less. Up until yesterday I was calling the record 5,000 Days-- cause only half of it was listenable. This morning it clicked a little more for me. You definitely have to approach it like you're about to listen to a Pink Floyd Album, it's pretty cohesive if you're paying close attention to everything. I think it's gonna be one of those records that you bust out a few times a year, when it's a rainy day, and you're just in the mood to chill out and listen to some music. Maybe a long drive.

    I will say though, a lot of the songs are very drawn out... kind of like 3rd eye, or pushit, but nowhere near as cool. There definitely are a lot of recycled riffs as well. Definitely my least favorite of all their albums, but still pretty good.

    I think reading the lyrics will make a huuuuuuuuuge difference on my opinion of the album. The words are very difficult to hear on a lot of tracks.

  • AlessianaAlessiana Posts: 329
    Your first few listens, this album will PISS YOU OFF. It sucks hard, or so you think at first, especially if you were expecting something really heavy. 10 listens later it gets a lot better. For me, TOOL has always sunk in really quickly, instantly catchy and listenable. This one wasn't so much... It's amazing how much less patience I have for every band outside of Pearl Jam. Everyone of PJ's cd's after Vitalogy really took me a long time to appreciate. with Tool, I was cursing them out after 5 listens.

    Anyway, Vicarious probably is still the best song on the disk--maybe. Maybe THE POT, which has the gayest intro to a song EVER. We're talkin "Mr. Slave from South Park Gay." ahhahaah You gotta hear Maynard's singing... He sounds like one of the New Kids on the Block. Then the song takes on a real Aenima/Undertow once you get past the first few seconds, and starts to kick ass.

    At first you will definitley think there is only 5 decent songs, maybe less. Up until yesterday I was calling the record 5,000 Days-- cause only half of it was listenable. This morning it clicked a little more for me. You definitely have to approach it like you're about to listen to a Pink Floyd Album, it's pretty cohesive if you're paying close attention to everything. I think it's gonna be one of those records that you bust out a few times a year, when it's a rainy day, and you're just in the mood to chill out and listen to some music. Maybe a long drive.

    I will say though, a lot of the songs are very drawn out... kind of like 3rd eye, or pushit, but nowhere near as cool. There definitely are a lot of recycled riffs as well. Definitely my least favorite of all their albums, but still pretty good.

    I think reading the lyrics will make a huuuuuuuuuge difference on my opinion of the album. The words are very difficult to hear on a lot of tracks.


    You're reaction, which is honest and shows real sensitivity, is why I recommended Tool in the Art Rock band thread.


    Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.

    Tell them.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Your first few listens, this album will PISS YOU OFF. It sucks hard, or so you think at first, especially if you were expecting something really heavy. 10 listens later it gets a lot better. For me, TOOL has always sunk in really quickly, instantly catchy and listenable. This one wasn't so much... It's amazing how much less patience I have for every band outside of Pearl Jam. Everyone of PJ's cd's after Vitalogy really took me a long time to appreciate. with Tool, I was cursing them out after 5 listens.

    Anyway, Vicarious probably is still the best song on the disk--maybe. Maybe THE POT, which has the gayest intro to a song EVER. We're talkin "Mr. Slave from South Park Gay." ahhahaah You gotta hear Maynard's singing... He sounds like one of the New Kids on the Block. Then the song takes on a real Aenima/Undertow once you get past the first few seconds, and starts to kick ass.

    no TOOL album has ever pissed me off, so chances are this one won't. while i would never call TOOL catchy, they pull me in with every listen i hear something new.
    I disagree that THE POT had 'the gayest intro ever'. not the least reason being your use of the term 'gayest'. i heard this song on the radio yesterday and it instantly grabbed me. reminds me of opiate. and hell yeah it does kick ass. of the two i like it over vicarious.
    hear my name
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    this could be the day
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    lie beside me
    i just need to say
    I disagree that THE POT had 'the gayest intro ever'. not the least reason being your use of the term 'gayest'.

    Ha ha, ok, maybe GAYEST ain't the best word, but when you heard it, didn't you say, "WHAT THE FUCK? That isn't Maynard, IS IT?" Maybe I should say I've never heard him sound like such a pussy when he sings. But yeah, the Pot is great, maybe better than Vicarious. Jambi is pretty good too.

    I definitely always discover new things with TOOL too... They're great that way. But pretty much each one of their songs (up until this album) has me loving them instantly. Even songs like Reflection and Disposition on Lateralus instantly clicked with me. No such case with this record... It really did come off as disappointing at first,-- I was really hoping it was a decoy. Now, not so much. I still don't see me spinning it like I do any of their other stuff. I will buy it though-- need the lyrics, and hey, I already stole it. I owe it to those guys. You can definitely hear the amount of time that went into making that record-- even if it really is far from their best.
  • AbnerielAbneriel Posts: 109
    Your first few listens, this album will PISS YOU OFF. It sucks hard, or so you think at first, especially if you were expecting something really heavy. 10 listens later it gets a lot better. For me, TOOL has always sunk in really quickly, instantly catchy and listenable. This one wasn't so much... It's amazing how much less patience I have for every band outside of Pearl Jam. Everyone of PJ's cd's after Vitalogy really took me a long time to appreciate. with Tool, I was cursing them out after 5 listens.

    Anyway, Vicarious probably is still the best song on the disk--maybe. Maybe THE POT, which has the gayest intro to a song EVER. We're talkin "Mr. Slave from South Park Gay." ahhahaah You gotta hear Maynard's singing... He sounds like one of the New Kids on the Block. Then the song takes on a real Aenima/Undertow once you get past the first few seconds, and starts to kick ass.

    At first you will definitley think there is only 5 decent songs, maybe less. Up until yesterday I was calling the record 5,000 Days-- cause only half of it was listenable. This morning it clicked a little more for me. You definitely have to approach it like you're about to listen to a Pink Floyd Album, it's pretty cohesive if you're paying close attention to everything. I think it's gonna be one of those records that you bust out a few times a year, when it's a rainy day, and you're just in the mood to chill out and listen to some music. Maybe a long drive.

    I will say though, a lot of the songs are very drawn out... kind of like 3rd eye, or pushit.
    captured my opinion perfectly
    Abneriel wrote:
    captured my opinion perfectly
    Cool. Glad you agree. I feel very strongly about this record. I haven't even spoken my thoughts on 'Pearl Jam' or even Lost Dogs, or Riot Act for that matter. This cd struck a chord in me, initially, and is continually doing so. At least it's getting better-- I think I was expecting to be blown away by it, and really got let down. Here's another thing I'd add to my review for those who haven't heard it yet, and might be curious: Vicarious really isn't any great representation of the rest of the record.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Vicarious really isn't any great representation of the rest of the record.

    i hope not cause i don't particularly like this song much past 'you ripper new TOOL song. the drought has lifted'

    when i heard THE POT, i loved that maynard's voice was the first thing i heard. that's what interested me.
    well that and the bass. it's so crisp and in the forefront. i love singing along with it. can't say that for many TOOL songs.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • i think its gonna have clay skeletal guys getting raped in jail..........
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    nuh. i think adam's past that stage.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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