the jayhawks

the jayhawks are an amazing force of beauty sonically hovering
set your laughter free
dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
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And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
Depends on what type of music you gravitate towards. If you're not much of a country fan, don't start with Blue Earth. It has quite a bit of twang to it.
If you want more of a pop feel, I'd start with Smile. You'll recognize "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" from the radio.
Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with any of them. I think I started with Rainy Day Music, then to Smile, Blue Earth, Tomorrow The Green Grass, then Hollywood Town Hall, and that worked great for me. No real reason for the order I went, other than that's the order they were available at the library so I could give them a listen.
Great band.