Dulli & Lanegan Stripped Down

SoonForgotten2SoonForgotten2 Posts: 2,245
edited November 2008 in Other Music
I know this was mentioned in another thread, but I think it deserves it's own thread. There's some really exciting news here:

An Evening With Greg Dulli & Mark Lanegan

Sub Pop veterans Greg Dulli and Mark Lanegan will return to Europe beginning January 15th 2009 for sixteen special intimate performances. Dulli and Lanegan along with guitarist Dave Rosser will perform a 'Stripped Down In The Gutter' set. By sheer virtue of the intimacy of the show, it will be unique, as neither Dulli nor Lanegan have toured in this capacity before.

"Since our instrumentation for this tour is going to be radically different, the shows will include many songs neither of us have performed in quite sometime or ever," Dulli commented.

"An Evening With Greg Dulli & Mark Lanegan" will kick off on January 15th in Glasgow at the Oran Mor and will run through February 2nd in Athens, Greece at Gagarin 205. Tickets will go on sale this Friday (November 14th) for all sixteen shows.

The Gutter Twins have had a massively successful year with the release of their debut album Saturnalia, and their follow up EP Adorata for Sub Pop Records. It's been a welcome homecoming to Sub Pop for both artists.

Mark Lanegan rose to fame as singer for the much-loved Seattle band Screaming Trees and Greg Dulli as the magnetic leader of the Afghan Whigs. Following the break up of both groups, Lanegan and Dulli went on to achieve significant notice on their own. Lanegan continued to release successful solo albums, as well as create vivid partnerships with the likes of Belle & Sebastian singer Isobel Campbell and Queens of the Stone Age. Dulli, meanwhile, innovatively fused indie, soul and electronic sounds in his post-Whigs ensemble the Twilight Singers, who released their first album, Twilight As Played By The Twilight Singers, in 2000; the most recent Twilight effort, 2006's Powder Burns. Saturnalia is sure to make many 'Best Of 2008′ lists.

Following the conclusion of this tour, Dulli will begin work on a new Twilight Singers album; while Mark Lanegan has an upcoming project with Soulsavers and will begin work on his first solo album in five years.

1/15 UK Glasgow Oran Mor
1/16 IRELAND Dublin Academy
1/17 IRELAND Galway Roisin Dubh
1/19 UK London Union Chapel
1/20 BELGIUM Hasselt Muziekodroom
1/21 BELGIUM Brussels Ancienne Belgique
1/22 HOLLAND Haarlem Patronaat
1/24 GERMANY Berlin Babylon
1/25 AUSTRIA Vienna WuK
1/26 ITALY Milan La Salumeria Della Musica
1/27 ITALY Rome Auditorium Parco Della Musica
1/28 ITALY Florence Auditorium Flog
1/30 SPAIN Barcelona Apolo
1/31 SPAIN Bilbao Kafe Antzokia
2/2 SPAIN Madrid Joy Eslava
2/4 GREECE Athens Gagarin 205

On Sale Friday November 14th
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/sets/72157600802942672/">My Pearl Jam Photos</a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/&quot; title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg&quot; width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • This is awesome in this many ways: every way.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Greg Dulli should have been a rock legend to the masses, and not just one in my head... this guy got jipped!
    10/22/00 LV, 10/24/00 LA, 10/20/01 SF, 10/21/01 AF, 12/8/02 SEA, 12/9/02 SEA, 6/3/03 Irvine, 7/9/03 MSG, 9/1/05 Gorge, 6/3/06 NJ, 7/9/06 LA, 7/10/06 LA, 7/12/06 The Fonda, 7/13/06 SB, 7/22/06 Gorge, 7/23/06 Gorge, 10/21/06 SF, 10/22/06 SF, 12/2/06 HAW, 12/9/06 HAW, 4/10/08 SB, 4/12/08 LA, 4/15/08 SD
  • This truly is awesome news, very very awesome. I'm so jealous of you europeans right now. AND the biggest highlight of this is the mention of Mark starting work on a new solo album.....that is the best music news I've heard in months...for it's been way too long since Bubblegum.
    Someone has to tell these guys the Americans love them too :( I'm so jealous. Any chance of a few US dates???? I'll go anywhere in the states.

    edit...I'm ok with them skipping some US dates if Mark will hurry up with a solo album. That part made my day!
  • We've been going totally ga-ga over this news at the SFR board, lol. Some of you should join up...for those of you that don't know who he is, Scott Ford is the bassist for Gutter Twins and the latest incarnation of Twilight Singers and hosts an internet radio show, along with a blog and a great message board. LOTS of news on Dulli and Lanegan projects, lots of bootlegs, etc.

    http://fordradio.blogspot.com/ (blog)
    http://fordradio.proboards99.com/index.cgi? (msg board)
    <a href="http://www.shawnsmithsinger.com">Shawn Smith</a> / <a href="http://www.thebandbrad.com">Brad</a&gt; / <a href="http://www.allhailthecrown.com">All Hail the Crown</a> / <a href="http://www.satchelpartnership.com">Satchel</a&gt;

    (Shawn Smith's official website, but not Thee Shawn Smith)
  • Lanegan7Lanegan7 Posts: 124
    Yes a new Mark Lanegan solo album!

  • Lanegan7Lanegan7 Posts: 124
    Now a Gutter Twins DVD would be the icing on the cake, I can hope.
  • YieldedYielded Posts: 839
    Oh for fuck's sake! I can't believe I'm not gonna be able to catch this!
    Right, gonna have to try and sort something out because I know I'm gonna regret it if I miss this.
    "We get these pills to swallow... how they stick in your throat... Tastes like gold..."
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