The Black Keys Anyone?

I love everything I've heard from "The Big Come Up" to "Thickfreakness" to "Rubber Factory". All three albums are very good. Very bluesy rock. Often compared to the White Stripes (who I love) but I don't see too many similarities other than being a blues influenced two-piece with a color in their name. The Black Keys are much more minimalistic in their approach. Which, in their case, is a good thing. Any other thoughts on this two-piece?
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
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Dan has my favourite voice in rock and I love his style on guitar. Look out for their Junior Kimbrough cover record coming out soon. Everywhere I Go is my favourite song, then probably 10am Automatic and When the Lights Go Out. I love them all though.
When the Lights Go Out is excellent. I look forward to anything and everything they release.
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Shameless beer-related plugs:
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