Just listened to Purple and Tiny Music

I just finished listening to these two great albums from Stone Temple Pilots and couldn't help but think how great they both were. To me they are very different albums. I can't believe I went so long without listening to either one of them. Tell me what you all think of Purple and Tiny Music.
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Both phenomenal albums. Stone Temple Pilots were easily my favorite band for about 10 years. I was entirely obssessed. Since their demise its been harder to be as passionate about them, but I still love their work and anxiously wait for a reunion.
About these two abulms specifically. They are incredible. Purple is just one of the best albums of all time, arguably the best sophmore album of a group. So strong musically and lyrically, and STP really began to add the psychedellic element to their sound on this one (see Army Ants, Kitchenware & Candybars, Still Remains, etc). I love Tiny Music, if I had to pick a favorite STP album, this would probably be it. The music, the lyrics everything. So fucking good. They were really on top of their game song-writing wise when this came out. Its too bad they (Scott) were going through so much then and could never really tour this album out. I think if they had they would have really kept their fan base much bigger, and really could have stayed on top/relevant in the music scene.
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk STP. I fucking love those guys.
- Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03
"Moderation is masturbation"
in tiny music they´re going to a more mellow and poppish direction... beatlesque songs too...
So very true.
I know it's not STP, but have a listen to the samples from the upcoming Army of Anyone album...sounds like the Deleo's have another amazing record in store
(Shawn Smith's official website, but not Thee Shawn Smith)
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Almost, but you can always tell its them. I think that's part of what made STP so special. Alwasy able to reinvent themselves, but able to retain their essesnce.
Yeah, agreed. I miss them. I only got to see them once and it was like their 2nd or 3rd to last show.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
Yea, I really miss them. I only got to see them once. It was on one of the later tours (I was a little young to have seen them more than once). I saw them at Hammerstein in '02.
11/26/05 - Buenos Aires
11/28/05 - Porto Alegre, BR
06/01/07 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/16/08 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/17/08 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/19/08 - Buenos Aires
What does that even mean?
11/26/05 - Buenos Aires
11/28/05 - Porto Alegre, BR
06/01/07 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/16/08 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/17/08 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/19/08 - Buenos Aires
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
I disliked No.4 , but really liked Shangri-La
I always liked Weilands melodies more than anything else with the band - The bass always had a distinct sound though
Untill their will grows tired
You could say that, but if you knew anything about the band you'd know that there is a demo tape from sometime in 1990 where a bunch of songs on it are the same ones from on Core. Meaning, that they had the sound before Pearl Jam existed and before Nirvana got huge with Nevermind. And anyway, their following albums are very different from that sound, and if you'd actually listen to the band you'd know that.
I have that tape.
How fucking good is that tape? All the funk on there is awesome.
and you should know that the Seattle explosion or whatever had its peak in 1989 when Mudhoney, TAD and another little band were "underground huge" in UK and Europe. And in 1990 Mother Crap Bone was already in a major label as well as Soundgarden so the writing was on the wall.
I liked STP when I was a little teenager and impressive young dude. When you grow up you realize of all of these phony rock groups.
11/26/05 - Buenos Aires
11/28/05 - Porto Alegre, BR
06/01/07 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/16/08 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/17/08 - Sao Paulo, BR
10/19/08 - Buenos Aires
Oh, how grown up you are!!! I'd love to know what you define as phony. What's wrong with a band that consistently produces well-written, extremely cohesive rock songs? Rob Deleo is one of the most impressive bassists and songwriters of the last 20 years. He occasionally gets his due, but mostly he and Dean's talent gets lost in the overall dislike of Weiland. Do tell what makes STP phony. As already stated, many of the songs that ended up on Core were written by 1989. Ever think that much of the similarity in the sound of all the alternative bands of the 90's had to do with the "hot" production values of the day?
YieldInHiding: "RED DOT is an intermission...not "filler." I hate that word. Filler is what's in a Twinkie."
Same here..been listening to alot of STP lately...I've always like them though since the beginning and have never seen them live though..frig..
Was actually gonna start a thread about STP..but..here it is