Harry Angel

Just thought Id post this band out there cos my mates in em!!
Anyone in England should check em out - my mate told me they just opened some charity festival in front of 10,000 people that Staus Quo were headlining(got voted onto the bill in some local band competition) - and they were the only ones who actually sang live - youd think the Quo would be able to play theyre own songs by now wouldnt you.
Anyway Im petitioning them to open for Ppearl Jam next time they come to Engalnd!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone in England should check em out - my mate told me they just opened some charity festival in front of 10,000 people that Staus Quo were headlining(got voted onto the bill in some local band competition) - and they were the only ones who actually sang live - youd think the Quo would be able to play theyre own songs by now wouldnt you.
Anyway Im petitioning them to open for Ppearl Jam next time they come to Engalnd!!!!!!!!!!!!!