Another Opinion

So I was just going through a bunch of You Tube videos. I came across a trailer for (I guess) a movie called "About A Son". There's some guy who is trying to sound a lot like Kurt, but, imo doesn't sound like him at all, talking as if he were Kurt. Am I missing something here? I just have to be sure. Is it really Kurt? What the hell movie/documentary is this? Is it a joke? Someone help me out. I'll give you the link so you can hear for yourself...
It's On The Inside And I Can't Get It Off.
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Well I can see why this would make you upset, but on the other hand, I think it's kind of special for the fans. I personally will never let go of Kurt, and I will watch this movie so I can hear what he has to say, because what he has to say means a lot to me. I'm just so surprised that the movie wasn't a bigger deal and that I'd never even heard of it before. I still think the clip sounds like someone who is trying to imitate Kurt but apparently I'm wrong. As far as Frances goes, if she turns into a freak, I think it will have more to do with who her mother is rather than who her father is.
Id never heard of that movie either.
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks there is something fishy about this. Can they really do that though? Make a movie like this if it's not even real? Apparently it showed at the Toronto film festival and at a festival in Italy. It hasn't been released to theaters yet and will probably go straight to video, but even still. I'm curious to see how this plays out.