GN'R: Richard Fortus (new guitarist) is amazing!

Do you know this new Guns N' Roses guitarist called Richard Fortus? He is dawn good! He looks like Izzy, but he is even better. He is almost as good as Slash! You can see him play here (1 minute video each):
if you want more, here is a 50Mb video, it's a guitar medley of different solos he plays with GN'R:
He is really good!
if you want more, here is a 50Mb video, it's a guitar medley of different solos he plays with GN'R:
He is really good!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Walk on with hope in your heart
when are they gonna release that album they have been promising for what 10 years now?
run for your life
Im sure it'll be good...though it isn't GnR...
But will anyone care?
Anyway, please try to avoid the debate "this is gn'r" or "this is not gn"r", this is NOT the subject of this topic. Speak about Richard Fortus.
Thank you.
This is NOT a topic to discuss about VR or anything else exept RICHARD FORTUS.
Is it so hard for you to respect that? are you THAT retarded?
Dick is not Slash.
Fuck Axl!
GnR forever man.
New GnR for never!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
did you know axl rose is an anagram for "douche bag"
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Man I seen VR and there are one of the top bands around right now. If Axl would get his head out of his ass and release Chinese Democracy, his new band might end up bein pretty good. When it's released, we will see how good they are, til then don't come here and post stupid bullshit post and not expect people to be skeptical. If the Beatles never released and album they wouldnt be the greatest. Let's see how good Axl's new hired guns when they release an album.
but i will compare him to the other 2 new GnR guitarists. Buckethead and Robin Finck are BOTH better than he is.
(and on that note: Buckethead is better than Slash. He could play circles around him with only 2 fingers)
People just see the bucket and go "retard" but he's a great guitarist.
yeah, but at least slash wasn't named fucking "buckethead" ... what the crap.
and while he may be technicaly awesome his solo stuff, at least what i've heard, it so stupid it hurts.
it's like S.O.D on even more crack, or something.
& Robin Fink?
uh. eh.
are you saying he's better than the simple chords he used to play with /\/ / \/\ cause that was nothing special.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It's usually that people are so far up Slash's ass, in aew of him for some reason.
So fucking what If he names himself "buckethead". you are on a message board for a band named after a euphemism for semen for god's sake.
we are?
that's news to me.
regarding buckethead vs. slash ...
i still maintain that buckethead's musical taste is so radicaly different from the blues-metal riff-rock flavor that slash had, as to make his membership in GnR detrimental to their sound (at least in terms of what their original fanbase was looking for) ...
if axl releases an entire album that sounds like fucking "My World" or whatever that crap was that was released for the movie a few years back ... ugh ... so help me ...
Slash had a style that hit the heart. It was direct, and it connected ... the feeling he put into it was palpable ...
he may not have been technicaly great ... but he was a damn fine player ... capable of manuevers on a fretboard i'd be proud of ... and yet he kept his solos and riffs accessible ... not losing people in a frenzy of technical stupidity that sounds akin' to satriani on speed or fucking some bad phish solo.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
he's definitely on crack. but it doesn't take away from his genius. Check out Colma and Electric Tears. Those are a little more "normal" and focus on beauty rather than craziness
No i have heard other stuff he did. i don't even remember the fucking name of it. i wish i still had the mp3s actually. he's a fucking guitar prodigy/vurtuoso/whatever.
listen to Colma or Electric Tears
those are way accesable and will make you see the light.
Fortus blows Buckethead away.
There aren't many players out there whose technical playing surpasses Buckethead's. Just b/c he has a lame schtick. And, yes, pearl jam is slang for semen. Maybe there is another story behind it, but whether it is true or false, pearl jam = semen.
maybe that's why their music was so easy to swallow when i was 12?
bad joke.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
no, he's named "Slash", which is just as fucking dumb.
definately not.
and sekleton skull top hats are WAY cooler than buckets, for christ's sake!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Much cooler than The Edge or Flea.
Buckethead's is pretty awful, but if i could have any guitarist in the world in my band, it would probably be him.
but still, with all that said, whenever any of these douchebags decided to use a pretentious one word stage name, someone should have smacked them. It only became cool because they became famous. Otherwise, i guarantee you none of Paul Hewson's friends would be sitting in a pub in Ireland with him calling him "Bono." It most likely would have gone like this...
Paul: Hey guys, i decided i hate my name and i want you all to call me "Bono"
Drunk friend #1: Bono? More like Homo
Drunk friend #2: Yeah, you bloody Homo
Drunk friend #3: hahaha! Hoooooomoooo!
And then from that day on he would have been known as Homo instead of Bono. Fame is the only reason people will call him "Bono" with a straight face.
some of them are pretentious,
but guys like Flea and Slash ... they had those names since their youth.
Slash's story was that one of his friends in gradeschool used to call him that ...
flea ... well ... he was "the flea" since the movie suburbia, at least ... and god knows the chilipeppers weren't much of famous at that time ...
sometimes a name is just a name, you get it from a friend, and it sticks.
. What is SLASH's real name?
SLASH's real name is Saul Hudson. He was given the nickname "SLASH" by a family friend when he was a boy. He has no middle name.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
on second thought....maybe i would. lol
Thank you so much, that's been bugging me all day