my first tool show.

ok last night checked out tool at nassau colliseum what a show the sound was fantastic i was surprised at how good the sound was at this place and the energy or i should say the feel was really cool even my wife liked the show plus i had really good seats section 118 first box of the floor stage right .
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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I am trying to remember the setlist so I can post it here...
Where I was Section 102X, my row and the row ahead of us were going Nuts...The Intensity of the band was awesome.
Maynard's Voice was great and the band were tight....
Danny's drumming freaking Rule that night.
I liked what everyone did with the candles...Forgot during what song...but I know it was one of the new ones...
After the show this guy came up to us outside and was.....Ladies I saw you all night, you guys have to Relax a little...and starting laughing....
OHHH k!....I was thinking...what do you do in a concert stand still like a zombie?!? there were lots of people doing that around me...which it sucks...It's like seeing that in a PJ concert...You'll be like WTF..why bother coming.... We were dancing, singing and putting our arms up....something you do when the moment is right and ofcourse not to bother other people. Some people are so lame when it comes to concerts...We were not drunk or high... We were enjoying Tool simple as that.
To start of the show with STINKFIST...and end it with AENEMA and in all show have those projectors and videos and lights and sound effects were off the hook. I wished i had gone to see them for the 2 NJ concerts but couldn't b/c that money was for PJ's trip to Italy...Oh well until next spring
Does anyone have a complete setlist for this Nassau show?
I totally agree with you. They really gave it to us.
It was hilarious what he was saying about the condoms and yeah making us scream for more Tool...shit I wanted to hear one more from them...They played 1 hour and 45 minutes...and still wanted more...I guess I'm spoiled by Pearl
but I understand since their songs are so I guess that makes it up.
Yup die hard PJ fan
Well If you get the set list from yesterday can you post it here. Thanks and hey maybe we can meet for our next Tool concert or better yet for a Pearl Jam show.
Here's the setlist:
The Pot
Forty Six & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Wings For Marie
10,000 Days
Thanks for the thought. It's really nice of you. My 10C number is high...
but I had opportunities to see them upclose...I have a friend that has a low number too. She hooks me up when ever possible.
but hey wouldn't mind to sit with other people that share the same excitement as me for these two bands
Well sound like a plan...
I have a myspace account...Do you?
Thanks...Did you go to show? or you got this info from somewhere...
Because i was looking for this in other websites...and no luck...but
it matches what i remember...
Thanks alot SoundGrunger....You are the best!
Oh Okay. Will pm you once in a while so you won't forget
Take care.
Oh is it possible you can give me the addy for these website?
Oh you got the beginning of them on you had them all
cool...We had them on their last US Tour show. and to me they seemed fresh enough...specially the drummer...Danny is the man.
oh man, danny kicks ass!!! the man is a freakin machine, just watching him play is so incredible.
Thanks so much for your help Soundgrunger...Hopefully we can keep talking about bands we love to hear and experience live...
Well I'm hoping to get tix for the AIC @ Nokia theater...but sold out...might go and check it out..maybe I'll get lucky....In December Deftones....but I need to find out when those go on sale....Let me know if these interest you.
Oh I am sorry...It's stands for Alice in chains...Well the remaining band...Lead singer unfortunately died. :_(
They are I guess Metal alternative...I guess...not good at labeling
Wolfmother is good....Tickets went on sale already?
I is hard but it's still will be good to see the rest of the band...
I will see if I can go and will send you a pm regarding Wolfmother.
take care.