Matt Mays & El Torpedo - When The Angels Make Contact

the new album from matt mays & el torpedo comes out novemeber 7th....and it sounds phenomenal!!!
these guys are really coming into their own with this record, and you can hear more and more of the neil young influence in matt's songwriting...:)
listening to "1 for the motor" now...current fave...and "spoonful of sugar"...each one becomes the new fave...;)
have a listen...
these guys are really coming into their own with this record, and you can hear more and more of the neil young influence in matt's songwriting...:)
listening to "1 for the motor" now...current fave...and "spoonful of sugar"...each one becomes the new fave...;)
have a listen...
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will have to wait until the weekend to pick it up i guess...good thing i can listen to it on the website
-Tom Waits
this one, i find, is a bit of an experimental album for the boys. they've brought in local artists like buck 65 and skratch bastid for a couple of tunes, so there is some rap / hip hop influence on a couple of the tracks. a couple of the tracks are just mind blowing rock and i can't wait to hear them live. some are so evident of the influence neil young has had on matt's songwriting. it's almost creepy how easily some of these songs could fit in a an old neil record...or even a song like "midnight is the time"...that is not far removed from neil's "trans".
i can't say enough good things about these guys. i think this album is going to be huge! i hope they find great success with it, because i know they've worked hard and anyone who has seen them live knows that they put everything they have into their live shows because they love what they do and they love performing. it would be nice to see them reap the rewards of all the hard work.
-Tom Waits
yeah, i saw the guthries many times back in the day. very talented group, but a little too country for me. they actually had a fair amount of success for a little band from hali. a special on CMT, and some shows in europe.
when matt started his own thing, he brought a lot of that country sound to the music, but you could definitely tell he was adding more rock as he progressed.
i was lucky enough to work in a club where he and the torpedo played numerous shows. it's funny to think back now of the monday night shows they used to play to 20-30 people four times a month..."a month of mondays" they called it...featuring one artist a month. matt and the boys did a few of those, so since it wasn't busy, it was always nice just to go into work and listen to them jam out the tunes. the crowds started getting bigger when, like you said, people started hearing "city of lakes".
i think it was after the tour with blue rodeo that they really started to get a name for themselves. they play 110%, no matter if it's 20 people or 1,000 which is what they started getting at our club after the single. awesome live shows!
i was really excited to hear the new record because i still love the first two and i was curious to see what direction they would go. again, like you said direwolf, neil is all over this. i know matt idolizes him, so i think this record almost sounds like a tribute to his songwriting and his willingness to experiment as an artist.
i think matt finally got to meet him at the south by southwest festival, but i haven't seen matt in ages, so i'm anxious to talk to him about it. i'm sure he was happy as a pig in shite!
Yup, I saw Matt and El Torpedo at the Calgary Stampede last summer and they blew me away. Great energy!
-Tom Waits
-Tom Waits
you can watch the video for "when the angels make contact" on the site...i have a feeling it is part of the movie you mentioned. there is a lot of bits of dialogue in the video...and i hardly recognized tim in his white suit and matt with his hair cut off! they definitely seem to be playing characters that are part of something that was meant to be longer.
"herione" and "850 commando" are definitely in heavy rotation for me!
i'm also still stuck on the title track, "1 for the motor", "spoonful of sugar", "mornin' sun" and "midnight is the time"...not much in the way of lyrics on that one, but it's the kind of tune that gets stuck in your head.
can't wait to pick up the disc! happy you were able to have a good listen direwolf
it's still matt mays & el kind of like neil young & crazy horse in a way...matt would like that comparison
...basically the same guys that have been backing him for the most part since he left the guthries minus one and add one here and there
lots of guest appearances by local artists and friends of the band.
edit: ...see next post for clarification of my mistake...:)
i forgot to mention "the past" as one that is a standout...
i guess i was wrong about this being a matt mays and el torpedo project...seems like it's mostly matt and tim from el torpedo...with all the other artists adding their parts.
i would imagine the tour will be matt mays and el torpedo though. sorry for the mistake before...
there are some great photos inside taken by halifax photographer chris smith. the best shot is the center of the liner of matt face down on the road after a motorcycle crash...pretty cool shot. i guess they are stills from the movie direwolf mentioned.
going to go have a listen...:)