A question for people who know U2..

I just saw a commercial on ESPN for this year's soccer World Cup and U2's "City of Blinding Lights" was playing in the background.
Has anyone seen this ad? Is Bono the narrator? I'm not a soccer fan, but I like the ad.
Has anyone seen this ad? Is Bono the narrator? I'm not a soccer fan, but I like the ad.
I love my female wife...
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
Post edited by Unknown User on
May 08, 2006
Yep, sports fans, that's "City of Blinding Lights" you're hearing on
ESPN these days -- and it's also Bono doing the voiceover. What is it?
It's a commercial promoting the upcoming World Cup (soccer/football)
tournament on ESPN, and it's in rotation now on the "worldwide leader
in sports."
This latest cooperation between ESPN and U2 dates back to December,
when ESPN crews shot the band's concert in Charlotte, and shot some
special footage specifically for the World Cup promos. If you missed
our posts about it then, use the link for a refresher on what happened
in our "This Date in U2 History" feature. (It'll be the 2nd item
read more in @U2's TDIH >>
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Yes, that was Bono doing the voiceover, saw the ad. for the first time today. Good stuff.
Not much of a soccer fan but I love the commercial. I think the song goes well with how billions of people around the world look to soccer as a way of life.
Also, I fucking love "City of Blinding Lights." It is almost to the point that I can't find words to describe how much I love that song. It was an incredible opener on the tour (and I am frequently popping in the dvd to watch it again and again)
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage