Some people have to have the sultry evenings Cocktails in the blue, red and grey But I like every minute of the day.
Newcastle-Riverside 02/22/92!!!
E.rutherford New Jersey 01/06/06
Athens -Greece.survived !barely-
Wembley 18/06/07- no words- just smiles!
Anyway, here's a Hole song called Best Sunday Dress, they released it as the b-side to Celebrity Skin. There are a few versions of it knocking about, but this one is incredible, love her or hate her, Courtney's voice at the end is AMAZING! check it out, if only to shut me up........
How the hell was Flyleaf only mentioned once?! Lacey, bitches!! lol, I don't really urge you to check out Evanescence (Amy Lee), though. Too looney and cheesy for me, their videos doesn't set them apart from Britney shit-hole either, lol. But that's probably cause they make videos period! And hell no for Hole, 'nuff said for that. Ok, I'll shut up...I recommend Flyleaf if you want a rockin' chick and that's all there is to it
I've never heard of them, so I just checked em out. Sorry, not working for me. They sound like any other cookie cutter, my life sucks, I'm filled with pain, obnoxious, sing-scream, nobody loves me, group of rejects.
Oh that's right, tabloid bollocks is ever so reliable. Pheww, and there was me thinking I might have to actually use my brain to form a reasoned opinion on somebody - why bother when I can have the 'News of the World' spoon feed it to me?
Wow, you just gave naive a new meaning....well done
Anyone else here heard/like Kittie? I ahve their first 2 albums, I like them. Most of my friends don't, but I don't care. They rock
i love kittie but never dared to admit it...
how about otep? meanest woman in metal. i love her.
Jon Stewart: "[about Russia's new president]...Dmitri Medevvvevv.... Dmitri Meh..... Dmitri M.! Or... as George W. Bush would probably pronounce it... Eddie Vedder."
IMO the best frontwoman in rock is Karen O. before you criticize my opinion or state your own, check them out live. haven't seen a frontwoman like her in quite some time.
and by frontwoman i do not just mean vocals. but stage presence, vocals, ability to lead/take front and center, etc.
IMO the best frontwoman in rock is Karen O. before you criticize my opinion or state your own, check them out live. haven't seen a frontwoman like her in quite some time.
and by frontwoman i do not just mean vocals. but stage presence, vocals, ability to lead/take front and center, etc.
Here you thought right. If you think she had anything to do with it, you need to look up the term (and I use this very loosley) circumstantial evidence. Familiar with the West Memphis Three case? That's based entirely on circumstantial evidence, and anyone with half a brain cell can tell you they did not have anything to do with it. Likewise, just because Courtney is crazy and from some people's view, not a very nice person, does not mean she was responsible for his death. It's almost laughable how sucked in some people are. LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE.
Here you thought right. If you think she had anything to do with it, you need to look up the term (and I use this very loosley) circumstantial evidence. Familiar with the West Memphis Three case? That's based entirely on circumstantial evidence, and anyone with half a brain cell can tell you they did not have anything to do with it. Likewise, just because Courtney is crazy and from some people's view, not a very nice person, does not mean she was responsible for his death. It's almost laughable how sucked in some people are. LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE.
aaaaahhhh just shut up you dumb nincompoop....I meant you were just don´t get anything do you
Everybody is raving on about how rock n roll girls like pj harvey, the yeah yeah yeahs, juliet lewis and so on are, but when I come to think of it they´re nothing compared to oldschoolers L7. Shitlist smothers them all!
All depends what you're rating them on.
To me, Karen O is 100 times better than any frontwoman I've seen since Patti Smith probably. Juliet Lewis is another story though.
just what i was about to say!!
thank you.
she's the best.
Jon Stewart: "[about Russia's new president]...Dmitri Medevvvevv.... Dmitri Meh..... Dmitri M.! Or... as George W. Bush would probably pronounce it... Eddie Vedder."
i wouldn't say they are rockin like some of girls because thats not the kind of music they play but the Dixie Chicks rock. they are very talented musicians and natalie maines has an amazing voice. i've seen some of their live performances on tv and they're very good. I know they're labeled as country but when it comes down to's all rock n roll
i wouldn't say they are rockin like some of girls because thats not the kind of music they play but the Dixie Chicks rock. they are very talented musicians and natalie maines has an amazing voice. i've seen some of their live performances on tv and they're very good. I know they're labeled as country but when it comes down to's all rock n roll
Yeah I can totally see it, rock and roll all the way. :rolleyes:
i really liked them once upon a time
Newcastle-Riverside 02/22/92!!!
E.rutherford New Jersey 01/06/06
Athens -Greece.survived !barely-
Wembley 18/06/07- no words- just smiles!
I've never heard of them, so I just checked em out. Sorry, not working for me. They sound like any other cookie cutter, my life sucks, I'm filled with pain, obnoxious, sing-scream, nobody loves me, group of rejects.
The rock and roll swindle continues.
Don't it make you smile?
~it is shining it is shining~
Guano Apes
The Donnas
The Cardigans
Sahara Hot Nights
i love kittie but never dared to admit it...
how about otep? meanest woman in metal. i love her.
I like Kittie.
and by frontwoman i do not just mean vocals. but stage presence, vocals, ability to lead/take front and center, etc.
You need to get out more.
Slight difference between the words 'naive' and 'better informed'. Nice try though.
Patti Smith
Julianna Hatfield
Sarah McLaughlin
Kate Gaffney
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Here you thought right. If you think she had anything to do with it, you need to look up the term (and I use this very loosley) circumstantial evidence. Familiar with the West Memphis Three case? That's based entirely on circumstantial evidence, and anyone with half a brain cell can tell you they did not have anything to do with it. Likewise, just because Courtney is crazy and from some people's view, not a very nice person, does not mean she was responsible for his death. It's almost laughable how sucked in some people are. LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE.
The Fastbacks
The Slits
20/04/06 - The Astoria alley crew + got to shake Ed's hand
25/04/06 -Jools Show + got Mike's autograph
27/08/06- 07/09/06- 09/09/06-13/09/06-17/09/06-13/06/07-18/06/07
...Three crooked hearts and swirls all around...
T'was not obvious what you meant at all. You just can't deal with the fact that I know what I'm talking about more than you do. The end.
YES!!! thank you...
I saw Kathleen Edwards open for the Hip the other night... she was good too! sounded a lot like Holly, but a little less 'edgy'...
To me, Karen O is 100 times better than any frontwoman I've seen since Patti Smith probably. Juliet Lewis is another story though.
just what i was about to say!!
thank you.
she's the best.
Yeah I can totally see it, rock and roll all the way. :rolleyes: