Bell X1

Don't know if any of you have heard of an Irish band called Bell X1...well if you haven't then I suggest you check them out. They are about to release they're third album "Flock". Some of you may have heard them on the soundtrack to the OC ( I believe that they were being played over some lesbian kiss, but never sat through an episode.....and don't plan to). If this would put you off then don't let it, they're heavier sounding songs are amazing. I suppose the OC thing is hopefully gonna get them some well deserved recognition outside of Ireland.
They're first album is called "neither am I". This album is quite raw and has some fantastic tracks on it. THe second was called "music in mouth" which is more radio friendly but just as good. To be honest the real way to hear Bell X1 is live (I suppose that is the same for most bands) as they are the closest to intensity to PJ that I have come accross.
(Would post more comprehensive reviews but am in work so can't!!)
So lets get BELL X1 on the radio accross the world as they deserve to make a bit of a living from being the hardest working band in the world!
They're first album is called "neither am I". This album is quite raw and has some fantastic tracks on it. THe second was called "music in mouth" which is more radio friendly but just as good. To be honest the real way to hear Bell X1 is live (I suppose that is the same for most bands) as they are the closest to intensity to PJ that I have come accross.
(Would post more comprehensive reviews but am in work so can't!!)
So lets get BELL X1 on the radio accross the world as they deserve to make a bit of a living from being the hardest working band in the world!
I need a coffee!
Post edited by Unknown User on
the stickman's ghost:
True story. BellX1 kick Damien Rices ass.
oh, that's right... i may have to check this band out then. i've heard of them before but, never did buy an album or listen to any streams or anything. i'll put them on my list. and thanks for bringing them up.
the stickman's ghost:
New album flock is amazing. GO and buy it!!!!
BellX1 are excellent though...saw them in UL on October i think it was...great show.