You guys should really get...

the new Red Hot CHili Peppers double cd...i just listened to it 3-4 times and it is really incredible...its hard to make 28 great songs period, let alone on 1 cd...just sharing the love cause its worth it
Post edited by Unknown User on
They're like a girly band.
But You Might Die Trying
not sure about that
00- 8/3, 8/4, 9/1.9/2
03- 4/28. 7/8. 7/9. 7/14
04- 10/1
05- 10/3
06- 5/4!!!!, 5/12. 5/13. 5/27, 5/28, 6/1, 6/3
08- 6/19, 6/20, 6/22, 6/25, 6/27, 8/4
The first single isn't as good as the rest of the album. Alot of great tunes on both discs.
But You Might Die Trying
the peppers are the best music to have sex to. that's about the only thing remotly "girly" about them. Their music isn't for everyone, but they're not girly.
Long Road, You're the guy who was saying that you'd tell a security officer if you saw someone smoking pot at a PJ show. so your opinion on Chili Peppers songs or ANYTHING isn't respected by me because you suck.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
You're one of the ones that fell for that?
I smoke Pot like a fiend.
Damn I'm good.
They sound like a band for Teenage girls.
To each their own.
wanna smoke a blunt?
damn, you are good, you got me. so if the whole anti-pot smoking stance was a hoax, then basically you're just a guy who likes to irritate people on internet message boards. whatever you got to do to be happy.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I came in to that thread playing Devils Advocate thinking that no one would even fall for it. Especially since there are people on this board that actually know me. It started to snow ball and I just kept going. It was like an addiction and I was even high at the time. You can't imagine how funny it was on my end.
I couldn't believe how many people got so bent out of shape over it. I actually received death threats via PM's.
Funny thing is, there are actually people like that out there. I don't think many of them listen to Pearl Jam though.
well death threats over internet comments isn't respectable.
but calling the Chili Peppers "girly" isn't very respectable either. It's one thing to say that you don't like them and never will, which is what you said. But to call them "girly" is like calling the people who buy their albums "girly," which we are not.
i still think you were serious in the pot thread, but whatever. I'm not going to send you death threats over it.
P.S. Go find a chick, get stoned and listen to Blood Sugar Sex Magic together. She'll throw her clothes to the ground by the fifth song. she'll be all yours then, Long Road. all yours
EDIT: I first put "I'm going to send you death threats over it." I changed this to "not" which is what i meant
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
You can believe what ever you want. I guess I was that convincing.
I already have a chick, thanks for the advice though.
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
So do I. Nice try LongRoad.
If you only knew how funny that was.
And calling the Chili's a "girly band" has to be the most stupid thing I have ever heard.
in response to the poster above, because they write songs for girls
The pepper's are OK, but if that is your second pick you have some major searching to do. There are way better bands out there.
The Red hot chilli peppers is just a party band. Go deeper man.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
You wanna rip others, let's hear you favorite bands. Come out with it.
Music is about entertainment to me. And listening to Frusciante, Flea, and Chad is incredibly deep to me. I'm sorry if I don't only like bands that wanna talk about angst ridden crap all the time. Bands like Tool and radiohead. Boring garbage.
Dude why do you even waste your time in threads like this? Aren't they beneath you as the resident "other music" expert. you should seriously have your own thread since your musical tastes are so far and beyond everyone elses. You could call it "Echoes Buzz" or something. You can be the first to tell us all about bands we've never heard of until they become popular at which point you don't want anything to do with them anymore. It would give you the credibility you so greatly desire.
my point exactly
Okay, if you want. Pretend it is 1991 and I'm telling you about Pearl Jam.
and in all honesty, I didn't know what this thread was about until I opened it, and once I had it open, I migt as well say my 2 cents. Does it really bug you that much when I don't like a band?