Matthew Good

Any Matthew Good fans here?
I have to say, I've been out of the loop with what's happening with him. I read his blog once in a while. But music wise, I have no idea. I did hear something about a new album in 2007?
It'd be interesting to know where the rest of the band is as well.
I have to say, I've been out of the loop with what's happening with him. I read his blog once in a while. But music wise, I have no idea. I did hear something about a new album in 2007?
It'd be interesting to know where the rest of the band is as well.
"All the strength that you might think would disappear, resolving..."
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rich, as far as i know, is still matt's bass player except for the few shows that ryan and meegee from limblifter played with him.
no idea on ian browne except for a short stint in alarm bell with ryan from limblifter.
Matthew has been trying to demo his new record but since he uses GarageBand for it, the bugs that came along with the new version of iLife have delayed that for the short-term. He wants to do the acoustic tour this year so hopefully that will come to fruition.
I have no idea what Rich does in the "off-season".
Dave is getting married soon, I think. To Tamara Taggart, the weather person on a local station.
Ian works at EA as a game tester (unless he just got laid off :P) and lends his talents out to various artists around Vancouver. The most recent I've heard is an artist called Catlow.
Matt's doing a podcast at his site tonight or tomorrow, answering fan questions re: music, so hopefully we'll get some more info on what he'd like to do this year.
nuff said.
"I think it was John Lennon who said: "Life is what happens when you're making other plans.", and that's how I feel. Although he also said: "I am the Walrus I am the eggman" so I don't know what to believe."
I just noticed that he started doing podcasts, I haven;t followed his site in ages.
Did you see his shows in November? They were the first Vancouver-area MG shows I'd missed in about 2 years
run for your life
Helped run the Amnesty booth at the Friday show, front row centre at the Saturday show, and they were the best shows of his that I've witnessed.
dang, that's good to hear. What was played? anything out of the ordinary?
And the music videos... *drools*
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I found PTD to be amazing on underdogs... I did not think it could get better. It's one of those songs you can sing so loud. I swear none of my friend appreciate him like I do. I think he is brilliant. And gorgeous.
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Agreed. One of the best songs to sing loud ever. I'm lucky that I have a few friends that are real into him, so we always talk about his music. I really think his lyrics and writing overall are brilliant. Some of the best songs I've ever heard, to be honest.
His site is a little too politically motivated for my taste, but that's okay....obviously that's what he feels like putting on there.
I'll always love his music though. "Blue Skies Over Badlands" is one of my favorite songs ever.
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he attracts a bad crowd.
so i really hope the acoustic tour happens. i've stopped bothering with his live shows until then.
Is that so?....can you elaborate? I've only seen him twice, once was at Edgefest in Barrie, Ontario and the other was at the Bowery Ballroom in NYC. That club show was an American crowd obviously and most people were excited to see him play. What exactly do the Canadian fans get pissed off about? selection?
I haven't seen anyone get pissed off... maybe it is selective shows?
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Date the ban will be lifted: 02-22-2006
no, his fans are just idiots. usually drunk and moshing and injuring people.
last show i had tickets for i ended up just trying to give them away because i just didn't want to deal with it. last time i saw him was banff in 2003? and it was a major disappointment because of the crowd. he ended up catching the mic in the teeth.
show starts great. people get stupid. he lambasts the crowd. all the positive energy is sucked out of the room. the bad elements in the crowd try to elevate the situation. matt leaves the stage. no encore. 60 minute show... maybe.
rinse and repeat.
you'd think after a few tours of this he'd just start booking theatres but it never happens.
the double CD version of In A Coma is great, I agree. Love the videos, even if his later/earlier ones are kind of shitty.
sometimes it almost felt like he wanted it to happen like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
life banff, there was no barricade, even though it was in the contract. well, don't take the stage then. or move the mic and monitors back.
i'm not saying it was his fault but shit, mitigate the risks here.
I still love symbolistic white walls... the video makes me tingle.
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Date the ban will be lifted: 02-22-2006
Depends on what you'd define as out of the ordinary ... while I've heard Suburbia live before, it was played both nights and was a treat, as was Advertising on Police Cars (which I'd never heard live prior). Other than that, song selection was mostly the usual since the tour was in support of a GH, but this is coming from someone who's seen 15 gigs.
Wait, I'm an idiot. I have Matthew's setlist from the Nov. 5th show.
Hang on ... *cue on hold music*
Near Fantastica
Load Me Up
Hello Time Bomb
Oh Be Joyful
Empty Road
Alert Status Red
The Future is X-Rated
Blue Skies Over Badlands
Little Terror
Everything is Automatic
Advertising on Police Cars
Put Out Your Lights
Poor Man's Grey
"acoustic" (Prime Time Deliverance)
Direct Link:
holy fuck.
Why didn't I go.
Holy shit that was an awesome setlist. I would have died hearing PTD.
MG's had numerous run in with fans....He played a gig at UBC i think (could be wrong) and many items were thrown at him, including a wrench....yes a wrench...Theres been shoes thrown as well on other occasions...
I attended a Toronto show when he was supporting his White Light Rock and Roll Review album...during the end he grew agitated with people in the crowd moshing, and eventually stopped the show in an attempt to set them straight...didn't work though....
Overall, MG is definitely worth seeing, and has put out some of the best music to come out of Canada in the last 10 years or so....Avalanche is perhaps his best effort and often goes overlooked....
The wrench nearly hit Ryan Dahle. Limblifter's sometimes drummer, Brent Follet, got it framed for him as a birthday gift.
A drum pedal was actually thrown on stage that day as well. Where the hell do people get these things?
Echoes - It was a pretty amazing gig, indeed. The guys were obviously having a lot of fun and that makes for the best shows, in my experience. At the end of the show on the 4th, Pat Steward went up to Matthew's mic as the band was departing and yelled, "BEST CROWD ON THE TOUR! LOUD AS FUCK!"
Plus, those shows introduced me to The Ladies & Gentlemen. (Yay!)
I hope you don't feel too crappy about missing the gigs ... they were 3 months ago now and I'm sure gigs just as great will be in store.
Matthew answered my question in the podcast. Groovy.