Paul Westerberg

What are your thoughts on Mr Westerberg, I dig some of his solo stuff but reading some reviews he seems to get crapped on. Anyone else like him?
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when i first got into him i was only so-so on him...loved some stuff and wasn't overly impressed with other stuff. He sure grows on you though...once you get used to some shaky vocals and lo-fi recordings
The Replacements stuff has really really grown on me lately too...especially after hearing recordings of Paul playing those songs live last year, totally kick ass.
What albums do you have of Paul's/the 'Mats?
and i should thank my "mentor" Strat for forcing me to get into him...glad i have such a wise eldor to make me listen to great rock n roll
"Japan is awesome; the fans there knew all the words to all the least phonetically." - Stone
"I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version." - EV
i really WANT to like The Replacements,
I really really do.
But i dunno ...
it's SOOooOoooo SLOW ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
stereo/mono is my favorite record.
Eventually or Come Feel Me Tremble should be your next choice as far as an actuall album goes. Besterberg is pretty sweet too.
and don't pay attention to reviews...why the fuck should anyone (other than me of course;)) tell you what album is good and what to buy/not to buy.
"Japan is awesome; the fans there knew all the words to all the least phonetically." - Stone
"I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version." - EV
cool as shit. he's the man.
the stickman's ghost:
like The beatles meets the worst of modern Soul Assylum slow, with maybe a little of the most downtempo Violent Femmes thrown in ...
I downloaded like the whole discography,
and I've really been trying to get in to it ...
but most of it may as well be acoustic.
what little is "fuzzed up" is still pretty jangly, and definately reminiscent of The Smiths, imho ... not their style, per se ... just the whole affected, depresso kind've Rock-But-Not-Rock thing ...
fuck, i'll say it ...
The Replacements quite possibly could be
the godfathers of EMO
::ducks all objects thrown::
i try man, i try to like it.
don't get me wrong.
but WHERE IS THE ROCK !!??!!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I hope you get this message but your not home...I will be there in just a minute or so...
I want to go but I want to go with you.
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. -MT
I've had enough, said enough, felt enough. I'm fine, still in it.
Left of the Dial
Hold My Life
Dose of the Thunder
Bastards of Young
Alex Chilton
just a few that rock. Remember, really only the early 'Mats stuff was punk. After that Westerberg started going in a different direction to really showcase their songwriting.
"Japan is awesome; the fans there knew all the words to all the least phonetically." - Stone
"I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version." - EV