Cornell live @ much

I dont care what anyone says....he still got his voice and he still kicks major fuckin ass. Probably the best live @ much i ever seen.
Who cares if the world is going down the toilet? Eddie Vedder got his mojo back!
Post edited by Unknown User on
are you telling me this is on tape-delay ? That is pretty lame, just have it on live across Canada. Stupid Much crap
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
Chris Cornell
His voice isn't as powerful as it was during Sundgarden but its sounding better than it has in a long time, he really impressed me when I saw him on Easter. I saw Soundgarden 3 times in '92 and while he can't sing like that anymore he was alot better than when I saw him with audioslave.
OMG I just got in from the Muchmoremusic appearance that Chris made today. I won passes to be INSIDE for it.
He played 6 songs (4 for TV and 2 just for us) and was interviewed.
OMG he had on this HOTTT Tight black sweater and tight blue Jeans. Mmmmmm!!! OMG HOT.
I ended up with a great spot...ended up on TV a lot. eeeks. Hahah good thing I dressed nice hehe.
He sounded AMAZING WOW! The drummer is kinda shitty, BUT Chris's voice is amazing!!!
Ohh there was this guy who asked a question about the Spiderman 2 soundtrack, saying that Chris wrote the song which he didn't. Poor guy. he was ASKED by the Much Music people to ask that question, it wasn't his own question, but Chris didn't know that. Chris corrected him but was soo nice about it. He told the guy not to feel bad about asking it as he's had journalists as him the same question. I was so glad that guy was asked and not me haha (I was standing beside the guy in the holding area we were first brought to in the back, when he was approached by someone from the show about asking that question for them).
The 2 songs he did just for us were Outshined and Safe and Sound (from his new album)
Anyways the best part. I MET CHRIS!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!
After the show he hung around for a bit and signed stuff. K*Rock and I got our Euphoria Morning liner notes signed. I got a picture with him whoohoo!!
K*Rock asked for a pic and Chris was gonna do it but this dickhead of a security guard stepped in and wouldn't let him do it..and ushered Chris out of the studio all quick. We all tried for her but the security guard wouldn't have any of it and there wasn't much Chris could do cause it was much more music security not his own sadly....but hey she got an autograph ohh and be BOTH got setlists !!
I am sooo pumped for tomorrow.
Ohh I asked him about playing Sunshower and he said no He said they've been having problems with that song. The guitars are in 2 different keys. He said they need to practice it as a band more before they play it live.
He was soooo nice, and relaxed. OMG I am sooos excited still hehe.
Anyone know if its been youtubed as of yet?
replay on in 2 minutes!
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
sorry for possibly taking that quote out of context but really think about it, when has chris cornell had "it" live. Its really hard to belt out those vocals live because its all studio and pro tools.
Oh I can't wait untill the cornell fanboys chime in
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"