Why the hate for Dave Matthews Band?

Really, I've seen it quite a bit on this forum. Friends of mine with similar taste in music also tend to frown on them, but for the life of me I can't figure out why. I realize some of their stuff is top-40ish, but for the most part they are an original band that incorporates a lot of styles to put out great songs. Crash is my favorite album of theirs. I saw all you naysayers listen to the entire album. If you still can't stand them so be it, I just still wouldn't understand how.

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My little brother is a huge fan - he has spent years trying to get me into their stuff (made me numerous DMB mix CDs) and I just can't stand him/them....boring/wanky college frat boy music
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
WTF you can't avoid going to see them? my ex goes posts on a DMB board and i'm pretty sure that there is a whole lot less haters there. people here just hate on everything, i think it is their therapy.
i saw DMB live a year ago and it was an excellent show. they are a hell of a live band and dave matthews was excellent. best DMB album: before these crowed streets. it seems like their darkest album and it has so many of their best songs. crUsh is one of the best songs ever recorded. 2nd fav album: the lilly white sessions (that i'm pretty sure is unreleased)
well, those sound like some overall excellent concerts. i would love to see neil. i think that is the next ultimate concert for me.
Hooray Florida shows
I have seen my fair share of frat guys at Pearl Jam concerts, like it or not, Pearl Jam is high on the frat guy list
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
1) The vocals.....just don't like them....either band.
2) Their groove or sound or whatever you want to call it.........just don't catch it.
3) Both are bands that the media likes to push down our throats.
I don't like them, Sam I am.
no doubt - it was always one of my issues/problems with being a Pearl Jam fan when I was young....their fanbase always embaressed me to the point where I didnt admit to being a PJ fan....I have outgrown that now and realize that its not the bands fault, and besides most of those fans have gotten lost along the way
"Its not the band I hate, Its their fans" - Coax Me by Sloan
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
- Al Swearengen
In summation good ethics, good morals, good drummer but no good tunes. Cant see why people would hate them though
www.myspace.com/jackietreehornmusic - The Band
Sounds like you really dislike them...seeing them 7 times and all. I'm not saying this in support of DMB but why do you continue to see them if you hate them so much? Usually you avoid the bands you hate IMO. I don't even think that I've seen my favourite bands 7 times.
He/She already answered this. Why do you post without reading the thread?
www.myspace.com/jackietreehornmusic - The Band
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
They are still a good band, their pre-Everyday stuff is great, mainly BTCS and UTT&D. Their live shows are great.
I understand and agree with all hate that comes at them about their past 6-7 years, but they did put out two great albums which is two more than most bands ever do.
I don't care if other PJ fans don't like DMB, not every type of music if for everyone, but it really pisses me off when they say he and the band "sucks".
"Oh Dave sucks!"
"Oh DMB blows!!"
That really shows the ignorance of some on this board. There are a lot of bands I don't like, but can still see the musical talent within the group.
I've seen DMB twice. One show was really good, the other quite bad.
I missed out on seeing them in Phoenix recently...doh!
That being said, I have to say something from experience. I always laugh when someone picks the fans as an argument as to why PJ is better than DMB.I have seen DMB and Pearl Jam each over 10 times and I can say without a doubt that the fans at Dave Matthews shows are SSOOOOOOO much better than Pearl Jam fans. Pearl Jam is the greatest band in the world, but fans at their shows are hands down the rudest, most completely oblivious people I have ever seen. And I have sat everywhere, from 10 club seats to the back of the lawn, and there is little to no variance. I remember pulling into the lot at this years Pittsburgh show and after seeing the people I was totally convinced it was going to be another Altamont.
I can tolerate it for 2 1/2 hours of Pearl Jam, but it is really annoying..
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
I don't like them in a boat...
I don't like them with a goat...
:-) I think Dave and the band are great musicians, but I never really took a liking to them either.
11/30/1991 ~ 3/25/92 ~ 8/28/92 ~ 6/30/98 ~ 10/8/2000 ~ 6/18/2003 ~ 6/21/2003 ~ 6/26/2006 ~ 6/27/2006 ~ 7/7/2006 ~ 8/5/2007 ~ 6/24/2008 ~ ALPINE VALLEY in '09 ;-)
PJ is more about the songs and the intensity, while DMB is more about the party.
Each band has built a nice franchise, but I will take PJ any day of the week!
This is me. I liked Crash, but the first time I went to a DMB show, I was pissed at the fans that they attract. I'm not going to generalize that the fans are like this at every venue, but Dave Matthews comes to an amphitheatre every summer here, for two nights in a row every time. The fans at his show (here, in upstate NY anyway) are the rudest mofos I've ever encountered. They destroy the park, litter everywhere and harass each and every person in sight. Multiple fights are started. It certainly isn't safe to bring a minor to the show. Luckily, we didn't even make it inside the show when we decided to scalp our tickets, we were that fed up. The guy who bought them mistakenly gave us a $100 bill when he thought he gave us a $20. So, we made out in the end.
I know that the fans here are the same way every year, because I drive through the park the next morning, and it's practically destroyed. No other act to come here causes that much cleanup.
However, there are some songs that bug the hell out of me. I get that adult-soft-rock vibe that feels way too cheesy for my liking. And that's when I simply press the button to skip it.
I happily declined
lmao. i don't know if your generalization is true. people are very nice at every show i've been to, PJ and DMB included. but hey, i'm a nice guy. actually, the PJ and DMB fans may be the best relatively best groomed. two dedicated groups of people for sure. but i think your generalization may be true for the fans that post on the bulliten boards; of those fans, definately the PJ variety win the rudeness award.
i like jimi thing, and two step. i can't listen to a whole album or more than one song at a time. his voice is annoying and the music is campy.
everytime i have to take a crap i sing EVACUATION!!!
"i'll let you be in my dream if i can be in your dream." -b.dylan