the dance remains the same.....

NEIL YOUNG! wrote:In the crystal ball.. the gypsy sees the villa,...
The riders on the hill.. the fire in the fields,...
She sees the mission bell.. swinging in the silence,...
Now the shooting starts.. the bullets pierce their hearts,...
The senoritas crying at the well.....
Up in the Gold Hotel.. the money hits the table,...
The heavies all are there.. that’s why the deal’s goin’ down,...
Beautiful women all dressed in diamonds and sable
Down upon the street, beside a garbage heap,...
A mariachi band begins to play.....
Somewhere a blues guitar plays echoes in the alleyway,...
The tijuana dawn.. claims another day,...
The golden sun.. rises on the runway,...
The pilot understands,...
The money changes hands,...
Inside the jet the briefcase snaps 'Goodbye'....
In eldorado town.. there lives a great bull-fighter,...
His eyes are screaming blue.. his hair is red as blood,...
And when the gate goes up.. the crowd gets so excited,...
And he comes dancin’ out.. dressed in gold lamae,...
He kills the bull.. and lives another day.......
Lovin' Neil's "Freedom" disc right now.....:)
change begins with discontent.