So I went to a concert last night...

...and now have a concussion, a fucked up knee and roadrash on my arm thanks to security.
Pennywise and The Circle Jerks were playing at the Burton Cummings Theatre here in Winnipeg and my cousin and I had tickets. Its a soft seat theatre but there is an open floor space at the front where people generally mosh and whatnot. This venue is notorious for shitty security, but last night was disgusting. I saw security throw out at least 12 people for VERY tame moshing (not enough room to really get going). Normally I wouldnt really care, but they were dragging people out by the neck and I watched as a security guard dislocated a guys shoulder while he wasnt even fighting back.
Near the end of the show, I was at the back of the pit and got shoved backwards and bumped into someone. Next thing I know, I have a huge arm wrapped around my throat sleeper hold style and my arm is being twisted and wrenched. I couldnt see the dude, but it was obvisouly security. He led me up the aisle the entire way saying "settle down, were just taking a nice easy walk to the back!" Normally when I take an easy walk, I can breath and feel my arm. Anywho, we get to the doors, he shoves my head down and litterally opens the door with my head. By this point I can clearly see that it is security and that this guy was probably pushing 250 - 260 lbs. When we get outside, he proceeded to throw me to the ground, head first causing the concussion, and kick me once in the spine.
I got up after this and went back in the main doors of the venue, not right inside the place, but just in the doors and yelled at the guard, "This is horseshit, you cant deal with people this way. I am going to make sure this is the last event you guys ever work here". At that point, the same guard and THREE OTHERS grab me by each leg and each arm and quite seriously, THROW me out on the pavement. The first security guard I dealt with put his weight down on my face with his knee and yelled a whole punch of garbage about "you stupid punks" and "you guys think your tough shit" and that sort of garbage.
I decided to leave it there, I mean, I way 145 lbs and these guys are all 240 plus. However, I've decided I'm pressing charges. I've seen these guys manhandle people way too many times. Just because it says EVENT STAFF on your stupid blue shirt, does not give you freedom to kick kids asses.
Anyway, I was really pissed off about that, so I thought I'd share
and I know I'm going to get a few "that's what you get for moshing" responses, so I'd just like to clarify that I am not an ass. I want to have a good time, not hurt people and was not getting out of hand in the least bit
Pennywise and The Circle Jerks were playing at the Burton Cummings Theatre here in Winnipeg and my cousin and I had tickets. Its a soft seat theatre but there is an open floor space at the front where people generally mosh and whatnot. This venue is notorious for shitty security, but last night was disgusting. I saw security throw out at least 12 people for VERY tame moshing (not enough room to really get going). Normally I wouldnt really care, but they were dragging people out by the neck and I watched as a security guard dislocated a guys shoulder while he wasnt even fighting back.
Near the end of the show, I was at the back of the pit and got shoved backwards and bumped into someone. Next thing I know, I have a huge arm wrapped around my throat sleeper hold style and my arm is being twisted and wrenched. I couldnt see the dude, but it was obvisouly security. He led me up the aisle the entire way saying "settle down, were just taking a nice easy walk to the back!" Normally when I take an easy walk, I can breath and feel my arm. Anywho, we get to the doors, he shoves my head down and litterally opens the door with my head. By this point I can clearly see that it is security and that this guy was probably pushing 250 - 260 lbs. When we get outside, he proceeded to throw me to the ground, head first causing the concussion, and kick me once in the spine.
I got up after this and went back in the main doors of the venue, not right inside the place, but just in the doors and yelled at the guard, "This is horseshit, you cant deal with people this way. I am going to make sure this is the last event you guys ever work here". At that point, the same guard and THREE OTHERS grab me by each leg and each arm and quite seriously, THROW me out on the pavement. The first security guard I dealt with put his weight down on my face with his knee and yelled a whole punch of garbage about "you stupid punks" and "you guys think your tough shit" and that sort of garbage.
I decided to leave it there, I mean, I way 145 lbs and these guys are all 240 plus. However, I've decided I'm pressing charges. I've seen these guys manhandle people way too many times. Just because it says EVENT STAFF on your stupid blue shirt, does not give you freedom to kick kids asses.
Anyway, I was really pissed off about that, so I thought I'd share
and I know I'm going to get a few "that's what you get for moshing" responses, so I'd just like to clarify that I am not an ass. I want to have a good time, not hurt people and was not getting out of hand in the least bit
Hello, I love you. Won't you tell me your name?
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If not i suggest you call some hard pipe hittin buddies get some pliers and a blow torch and go to work on holmes yourself.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
What I was thinking.
And it sucks that happened like that.
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
those fucking bullies need to get what's coming to them (and I mean those fucking bullies in general, not just yours).
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I've already fired off letters to the editors of both local papers and the editor of the entertainment section of the Winnipeg Free Press. People will definately hear about this. Security has gotten progressively more physical at this venue for the last few years and it's enough already. There was one year where about 3 people died in Winnipeg from beatings from bouncers at bars. All seperate incidents, all of them could have been simply kicked out, but the bouncers went overboard. There is now STRICT guidelines and training for club bouncers. The same thing needs to be enforced for concert security. They are in charge of peoples safety and I for one do not feel to safe when I'm being choked and kicked in the back by one of them, of all people.
I really dont want to get anything out of this, I just want people to know that this is how security handles things at the Burton Cummings Theatre. I also wouldnt mind if the people involved lost their jobs.
Just make sure not to come off as an out of control young punk as they will try to portray you. Be professional and good luck.
thats why I didnt hit him or any of that. I dont want to be made out as the asshole in all of this.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
they easily could of threw you out with an escort
beeting on you was horse shit
no more shows
Best advice of thread
That was the start of my complaint. If I was really causing a disturbance, one of those guys could have simply put his hands on my shoulders and started walking. I wouldnt be able to resist. They have easily 100 pounds on me. Sorry if all of this sounds like bitching and whining, I'm still kinda pissed off
Northwest maybe?....
Nipple Wrench, Now Whistle?...
Numskul, macho meathead security personnel, roughin up kids, young men and women, throwing themout for no reason, when ultimately, its the fans paying the security guards salary alright...
These guys have been good, these are all new guys, we're talkin about last night, we got the guys from last night the fuck outta here!"
etc etc
Eddie Vedder to the Melbourne crowd, 1995
Sorry to hear that man.
Bands generally don't appreciate their fans being roughed up, so make sure each level of their management hears about this too.
I am writing letters to the city and province asking that they put training regulations in place for security guards. They did for club bouncers after some people died, lets hope they do the same for concerts before someone dies or gets seriously hurt
Anyway, to make matters worse, I tried to file a report today. They wouldnt even give me the time of day. I explained what happened and the cops response was *shrug* "sometimes security is a little rough. I dont know how drunk you were." Fuck him to assume I was drunk. I had a beer before the show and a beer during one of the openers. 2 beers, 3 hours apart. I was fucking plastered.
One day, people will actually listen to a 20 year old with long hair...
Maybe when you are 30 yr old with Short Hair!
Have you thought of contacting the local "underground" weekly that may have an interest in doing a story?
press charges
no more shows
I am going to do something along those lines. I'm definately going to do my best to make sure there are changes made to the way security handles concerts from now on. There needs to be proper training involved, not just hiring the biggest guys.
Normally I would say that's some Dickhead shit to say after some guy got a beatdown...but nah, that's just down right hilarious.
Seriously though, police report needs to be filed.
any update?
i think you should just sue for money... screw the regulatory changes...
You fuckers think that 'cause a guy reads comics, he can't start
some shit ?!
I'll fuckin' take all you on !
What the cop told you just saved you a shitload of time. If you drank or if you didn't, the club will have 10 employees that could testify that you were drunk and unruly. It's bullshit, but I guarantee you that is what would have happened. Been there, done that. You are not gonna get anythign done after the fact. You should have had the cops there right after it happened so they could have been witness to you being sober.