Only time I saw him was 2003 and he was fantastic. Hard to believe it has been that long, though.
Yeah. I caught him on this tour also. Dec. 2002 in Seattle. It was the first and only time I've seen him. He puts on a hell of a show! He was "in the round" for this tour. I also remember being very impressed with the mix of songs in the setlist. Played a lot off his new album, but also sprinkled in some major hits throughout. Not sure that I "need" to see him again. But I'm grateful that i got to see him at least once!
$186 (+ fees I assume) is the cheapest for Boston.
I really want to see this him, but can't justify dropping what I assume will be $400+ right now.
Cheaper than Depeche Mode!
As well as many other artists I couldn’t care less about, I’m sure. .
I really want to see Depeche Mode and was surprised by their prices. Gabriel isn't cheap but loge seats are on par or lower than a lot of Garden shows I've been looking at
$186 (+ fees I assume) is the cheapest for Boston.
I really want to see this him, but can't justify dropping what I assume will be $400+ right now.
Cheaper than Depeche Mode!
As well as many other artists I couldn’t care less about, I’m sure. .
I really want to see Depeche Mode and was surprised by their prices. Gabriel isn't cheap but loge seats are on par or lower than a lot of Garden shows I've been looking at
The moral of the story I guess is that arena shows are rougher than ever at this point
Neither point is lost on me. No knock on DM either, i enjoy what I know, they just aren’t on my radar for live shows.
& that’s not a bad price for Gabriel, all things considered; it’s still a lot of cash for me to tie up 2 tickets right now, cash I need to be directing elsewhere.
$186 (+ fees I assume) is the cheapest for Boston.
I really want to see this him, but can't justify dropping what I assume will be $400+ right now.
Cheaper than Depeche Mode!
As well as many other artists I couldn’t care less about, I’m sure. .
I really want to see Depeche Mode and was surprised by their prices. Gabriel isn't cheap but loge seats are on par or lower than a lot of Garden shows I've been looking at
$186 (+ fees I assume) is the cheapest for Boston.
I really want to see this him, but can't justify dropping what I assume will be $400+ right now.
Cheaper than Depeche Mode!
As well as many other artists I couldn’t care less about, I’m sure. .
I really want to see Depeche Mode and was surprised by their prices. Gabriel isn't cheap but loge seats are on par or lower than a lot of Garden shows I've been looking at
I was stunned by Depeche Mode's prices.
It's always been like that unfortunately and why I've never seen them. They played Great Woods a while back and were charging like $120 for middle of the pavilion at a time when most bands were getting half that. Crazy.
They are ridiculously expensive for Vancouver. I entered a contest multiple times for two tickets, a night at the Hilton, and a dinner. Didn’t win😢 Not sure if i’ll spend the loot or not…….
Saw him way back in the 80’s and at these prices it will be the only time 😂😂
Same here.
It’s crazy I’m done paying hundreds of $$$ for bands that have been around the block tenfold, I’m into small clubs small bands, got tickets to Heartless Bastards Brooklyn bowl for less than $40 per ticket and they are a really good tight band totally worth it!
Ok, will go with the double comment… just saw Gabriel and his iconic voice and sometimes haunting singing style are seemingly just as they were thirty years ago. Visuals were also excellent. Some may complain about setlist, it’s like his genesis work and first four albums don’t exist with only isolated selections, but the new material he performed was very strong.
My ticket cost less than 100. 2 sets. Best Gabriel tour yet. The new versions of some of the older songs are brilliant. And the new stuff 85% amazing.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
That's great to hear. I picked up tickets to see him in Seattle; last time I saw him was WOMAD in Golden Gate Park, 1993. I thought his "Secret World" tour was awesome. :-)
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Not sure if i’ll spend the loot or not…….