2005 musical discoveries

barcoachbarcoach Posts: 413
edited December 2005 in Other Music
So, now that the year is about to end, how was it in terms of music? I mean not only records released this year, but also music that though done in the past you just discovered this year.
Mine, I think, was actually pretty cool.
Maybe my most joyful discovery of the year was Johnny Thunders, he now defines punk for me. But I just can't forget about The Weakerthans an absolute favorite at this moment, their album Left & Leaving is an absolute masterpiece of the 2k's, now I have all their CD's and I'm very interested in looking what will the future bring for them.
I also discovered a couple of local -Mexican- bands I really liked: Niña and Monocordio. Also a band from Spain that kept me rockin' towards the end of the year was La Costa Brava and an spanish singer with some sort of Tom Waits influence, Josele Santiago.
Also found some love for the Raveonettes, to whom I hadn't pay much attention in the past.
Z by My Morning Jacket I think became my fave album of the year, and was a great introduction to this band.
I also discovered and loved the Mountain Goats and Black Hearts Procession.
The Canadian band Stars, were just love at first sight (listen)
And some bands I didn't exactly discovered this year, but found my admiration growing for them were The New Pornographers and Broken Social Scene.
Stone: Thanks for the pick and the night of complicity, you rock!
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.

"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer

"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    i discovered way more stuff about pearljam

    many more stoner rock bands

    and just increased musical knowledge
  • CM1847CM1847 Posts: 577
    Discovered: Spoon, Stars, My Morning Jacket, Sufjan Stevens, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire

    Got much more into: Broken Social Scene, The White Stripes, Bright Eyes and The New Pornographers.

    I was a great year for me, I took bought "Broken Social Scene" and "Z" on the same day and from then on my tastes became much more 'indie.' Still trying to catch up on a lot of the bands I have heard since then. Probably be spending most of next year trying to get albums by bands like Belle & Sebastian, Ted Leo, Broken Social Scene, Stars, ect.

    It would have been a very weak year if I had kept my old listening habits and stuck mostly to mainstream stuff, not much came out after June that really interested me in that categoy. I like Get Behind Me Satan, Guero and a couple of others, but looking for non-mainstream music definitely made this year great for me.
  • Beck
    Flaming Lips
    Mars Volta

    Bands that I already liked, but now really love-Tool, Aic

    Bands that I already loved, but now I am obsessive about-Pink Floyd, I always enjoyed puttin in a good Floyd album, and just 'chillin', but since I rediscovered Animals, my love for this band has tripled, and I liked them quite a bit before.
  • barcoachbarcoach Posts: 413
    CM1847 wrote:
    Discovered: Spoon, Stars, My Morning Jacket, Sufjan Stevens, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire

    Oh, I also loved Spoon this year, discovered them with Gimme Fiction and I would've got more albums by them if they had them at the record stores of my city... I'll be looking forward for their cd's in 2006.
    An other great dicovery this year I was forgetting was British Sea Power, the album they realeased this year is fairly good, but their first one just blew me away.
    Stone: Thanks for the pick and the night of complicity, you rock!
    -The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
    Mexico C. 12/10/05.

    "There is a rose that I want to live for
    although, God knows, I may not have met her"
    -J. Strummer

    "And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    I discovered so much music this year I can't even go into it. The latter half of this year was all about me being open minded and trying new music and it's going great so far. I also got deeper into bands I had previously liked, Pearl Jam went from being number 2 or 3 on my favorite bands list to being tied with Led Zeppelin at 1, to being my undisputed favorite band of all time. I also got much more knowledgable about music when I started taking guitar lessons and when I started playing in a band.

    A great year!
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • In 2005 I went exploring the 70's underground scene , and discovered Geat bands like :

    Atomic Rooster
    Grand funk railroad
  • Through the magic of the internet, I was able to get into Fugazi, The Smiths, Q And Not U, At the Drive-In, Queens of the Stone Age, Minor Threat, Minutemen, Television, Velvet Underground, Pixies, Tool, A Perfect Circle, and also got more into Dylan and the Beatles. A good year all around.
    The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
    And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
  • arcade fire, velvet underground
    I attack with love, pure bug beauty, curl my lips and crawl up to you.
  • 30 Seconds To Mars, 10 Years, and I started listening to some badass metal! ex. Strapping Young Lad, Children of Bodom, Trivium, and many more.
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,533
    arctic monkeys
  • lungs of a giant
    clap your hands say yeah
    six organs of admittance
    philosopher's stone
    wolf parade
    black mountain
    devandra banhart (sp??)
    jana hunter
    the islands
    blood meridian
    jerk with a bomb
    pink mountaintops
    the joggers
    hawk and a hacksaw
    chocolate watchband
    caustic resin
    link wray
    moby grape
    blood on the wall
    morning after girls
    frog eyes
    silver jews
    sixteen horsepower
    cloud cult
    beachwood sparks
    magic numbers
    augie march
    antony and the johnsons
    tim seely
    okkervill river
  • CM1847CM1847 Posts: 577
    barcoach wrote:
    Oh, I also loved Spoon this year, discovered them with Gimme Fiction and I would've got more albums by them if they had them at the record stores of my city... I'll be looking forward for their cd's in 2006.
    An other great dicovery this year I was forgetting was British Sea Power, the album they realeased this year is fairly good, but their first one just blew me away.
    Same here. I am picking up "Kill The Moonlight" in the next week or so, all I have now is "Gimmie Fiction." Can't wait, I've heard a few songs on Launch, I like them a lot.
  • I discovered Paste Magazine....hands down the best music mag out there. Comes with a CD and a DVD, and there is not a bad song on any of them.
    "Worship the music, not the musician"
    4/16/92 ; 7/22/92 ; 9/20/92 ; 12/7/93 ; 6/7/95 ; 9/14/96 ; 9/16/96 ; 9/1/98 ; 11/2/00 ; 10/22/01 ; 12/6/02 ; 12/8/02 ; 5/30/03 ; 7/6/03 ; 7/8/03 ; 7/9/03 ; 10/22/03 ; 11/24/03 ; 9/1/05 ; 9/2/05 ; 7/9/06 ; 7/10/06 ; 7/22/06 ; 7/23/06 ; 8/22/2009 ; 8/23/2009 ; 9/21/2009 ; 9/22/2009 ; 9/3/2011 ; 9/4/2011
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    my discoveries:

    Brendan benson
    Bright Eyes
    The Decemberists
    Wolf Parade
    The New Pornographers
    The Magic Numbers
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • BinFrogBinFrog MA Posts: 7,309
    Oh, Jimmy wrote:
    Bands that I already loved, but now I am obsessive about-Pink Floyd, I always enjoyed puttin in a good Floyd album, and just 'chillin', but since I rediscovered Animals, my love for this band has tripled, and I liked them quite a bit before.

    You always innevitably go back to Floyd.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Grand funk railroad

    I wasn't expecting that one...awesome...they're from my hometown.

    As for me, I really got into Jeff Buckley this summer and The Drive-By Truckers.

    Both very good.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • sj_2150sj_2150 Posts: 275
    i discovered the best band in the universe: Strapping Young Lad
    I wish my grass was emo... so then it would cut itself
  • the beatles
    Wave came crashing...
  • MemomanMemoman Posts: 21
    CM1847 wrote:
    Discovered: Spoon, Stars, My Morning Jacket, Sufjan Stevens, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Flaming Lips, Arcade Fire

    My morning Jacket Z, fantastic
    Spoon Gimme Fiction, excellent
    Flaming Lips, great too

    And I'll take note of the other ones you mentioned, maybe I'll like them too!
  • keyser_sozekeyser_soze London, England Posts: 205
    people i got into this year that make life worth living:

    johnny cash
    jose gonzalez
    iron and wine
    the melvins

    thats all i can think of off hand
  • keyser_sozekeyser_soze London, England Posts: 205
    people i got into this year that make life worth living:

    johnny cash
    jose gonzalez
    iron and wine
    the melvins

    thats all i can think of off hand

    those bands suck dude!!!!

    you're such an ass and always will be!!!

  • HYLAHYLA Posts: 137
    Emiliana Torrini
    Mother Hips
    The Go! Team
    Nuspirit Helsinki
  • '{&#91 wrote: »
    ']my discoveries:

    Brendan benson
    Bright Eyes
    The Decemberists
    Wolf Parade
    The New Pornographers
    The Magic Numbers

    The Decemberists are fantastic. I just got into them in the last year too. On a similar vein of mellow/folksy music, I started to like Iron & Wine and Kings of Convenience. Other bands I discovered recently are Spoon, Interpol, Arcade Fire, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Ben Harper, and Kaiser Chiefs.

    Artists I had heard of but only recently started to listen to include Flaming Lips, Beck, Bob Dylan, Guster, John Frusciante's solo stuff, System of a Down, and the White Stripes.
  • OmaramaOmarama Posts: 267
    Pink Floyd
    Led Zeppelin
    Fat Freddys Drop
    Monty Got a Raw Deal

    " makes much more sense to live in the present tense "
  • EbizzieEbizzie Posts: 240
    New Interests:
    Ben Gibbard's projects
    The National
    Spoon, although I'm kind of worn out on them already
    Black Keys
    Bright Eyes
    Elliott Smith

    Renewed Interest:
    White Stripes
    Neutral Milk Hotel's "Avery Island"
    The Verve
    Beatles, specifically the "White Album"
    "Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
  • viggs20viggs20 Posts: 1,296
    Andrew Bird.
    Art Brut.
    Architecture In Helsinki.
    DJ Shadow.
    Explosions In The Sky.
    Godspeed You Black Emperor.
    M. Ward.
    Sage Francis.
    Saul Williams.
    Strapping Young Lad.
    The Books.
    The Mountain Goats.
    "Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.

    www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
  • Omarama wrote:
    Pink Floyd
    Led Zeppelin
    Fat Freddys Drop

    Wow, musically you have had sucky years before 05 IMO
  • barcoachbarcoach Posts: 413
    The Decemberists are fantastic. I just got into them in the last year too.

    Hey, that's also an other band I got into last year, loved their album to the bone... is always good to hear The Sporting Life early in the morning, after it you only expect the worst... and in that way it's easier to think your day was better than expected.
    Stone: Thanks for the pick and the night of complicity, you rock!
    -The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
    Mexico C. 12/10/05.

    "There is a rose that I want to live for
    although, God knows, I may not have met her"
    -J. Strummer

    "And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
  • CortoCorto Posts: 36
    Arcade Fire! They're my best discovry of the year!

    I discover other groups... like The Mummies, Fabulous Disaster, The Stitches, The Dead Boys, Die Huns,...
    "all you need to play guitar is five strings, three notes, two fingers, and one asshole!" Keith Richards
  • CortoCorto Posts: 36
    viggs20 wrote:
    DJ Shadow.

    Can is fucking GREAT! Tago Mago is completly insane!

    DJ Shadow, really cool! I discover it this year too.. Some friends are big fans!
    "all you need to play guitar is five strings, three notes, two fingers, and one asshole!" Keith Richards
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