
Radiohead's NA tour

wavin_goodbyewavin_goodbye Posts: 135
edited June 2006 in Other Music
Have any of you caught any of their theatre shows? i saw them last night and they were absolutely amazing.. hoping to somehow get a ticket for the second show tonight.

if any of you have tickets for upcoming show, i promise a good time.. the new music is great.
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    who's_pearljam?who's_pearljam? Posts: 2,104
    I saw them last week at the Tower Theater near Philly and it was one of the most amazing shows I've been to in years and years!
    Great venue with 3000 people and perfect sound and a great audience, too.
    The version of Nude was so quiet and dramatic, with the crowd so silent leaning on the edge of the seats in front of them like we were trying to get closer to each note.

    It wasn't even like a concert. It was more like those guys came out on stage and took us all on a trip with them, soaring though the clouds!

    It seems like it was a gift from Radiohead, playing in such a small venue. If you can get tickets, go for it!
    Be kind, man
    Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
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    the venue i was at was equally small.. not sure what the exact number was.. definitely in the low thousands..

    will they be back next year after the album is released?
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    quasiquasi Posts: 492
    I'll be seeing them in the Greek Theatre in L.A. And I was lucky enough to get one ticket off Ticketmaster for only $45. Couldn't pull up two though, so I had to go for the solo route this time. Only 6000 people in the Greek Theatre so it should be cool. Last time, I saw them up in Seattle in the huge White River Amphitheatre (way back by the lawn) so it wasn't too "magical" for me.
    SEA 9/20/92, SEA 12/7/93, SEA 12/31/94 (MS), SEA 11/5/00, SEA 11/6/00, SEA 12/8/02, SEA 12/9/02, BEN 10/22/03, GOR 9/1/05, SD 7/7/06, LA 7/10/06, LA 7/12/06, LA (EV) 4/12/08, LA (EV) 4/13/08, LA 7/12/08, LA 9/30/09, LA 10/7/09, SEA 12/6/13, SEA 8/8/18
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    USCJeffUSCJeff Posts: 92
    Ill be seeing them both nights in San Diego!
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    uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    i saw them on thursday in toronto, and i wasn't very impressed. i really couldn't feel the band at all. they felt so disconnected with the audience. i'm a fan of their studio material, but for some reason i couldn't dig them live. maybe i just caught an off night, or maybe live rh just ain't my cup o' tea.
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