Music preferences disputes, popular opinion and other topics of interest

glasshouseglasshouse Posts: 1,762
edited March 2008 in Other Music
1. Hating popular bands just because they’re popular (Beatles, Dylan etc)
2. Badmouthing critically detested bands (Nickelback, Creed) because you’re so fucking afraid that people would assume you like “crappy” music if you don’t join the mindless rant.
3 .Critics and fan boys alike playing it safe (i.e. In Rainbows voted top 5 release of 2007 [Metacritic])
4. Sending bands you don’t like straight to hell (in my case OASIS) for no valid reason except not liking them.

Random thread. Discuss.

BTW I am guilty of all 4. And I guess disputes/convergences of these kinds make the whole pop phenomena all the more colorfull and exciting, but non the less, sometimes it all seems so FAKE/PRETENTIOUS
Athens, Greece: 2006/09/30

"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
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  • glasshouse wrote:
    1. Hating popular bands just because they’re popular (Beatles, Dylan etc)
    2. Badmouthing critically detested bands (Nickelback, Creed) because you’re so fucking afraid that people would assume you like “crappy” music if you don’t join the mindless rant.
    3 .Critics and fan boys alike playing it safe (i.e. In Rainbows voted top 5 release of 2007 [Metacritic])
    4. Sending bands you don’t like straight to hell (in my case OASIS) for no valid reason except not liking them.

    Random thread. Discuss.

    BTW I am guilty of all 4. And I guess disputes/convergences of these kinds make the whole pop phenomena all the more colorfull and exciting, but non the less, sometimes it all seems so FAKE/PRETENTIOUS

    1, I used to do this, til I realised that the bands were that popular for a reason... :rolleyes:

    2, Again, used to be guilty of this til I remembered I don't give a flying feck what other people think of my music taste :o

    3, This pisses me right off. Just because it's a band that might fit into topic 1 doesn't mean they don't produce shite... It's like when Madonna released 'The Wheels on the Bus', I mean, come on!!! And yet people baught it... I still think it was a piss take of the pop buying public... Anyway, no musician is 100% perfect 100% of the time. Amazingly, just because it was done by Radiohead, Oasis or whoever, doesn't mean every music critic should be up it's arse, let people decide for themselves.

    4, hmm... still guilty of this to a degree. I try to give ALL music a chance but there are bands I don't like and unfortunately I can be quite cutting towards them. The new 'metal' bands surfacing over the past few years is a prime example of this.
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    I am guilty of 3 but try never to judge an artist or band without having heard them. The reason is I have been very surprised in the past (Brand New's The Devil & God are raging inside of me for example) by fantastic albums from artists that I wrote off as shitty.

    As for 3), In Rainbows WAS one of the top 5 albums of 2007, or certainly mainstream albums. I'm sure if Radiohead release a truly hideous album the backlash will be huge.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • glasshouseglasshouse Posts: 1,762
    Jeremy1012 wrote:
    As for 3), In Rainbows WAS one of the top 5 albums of 2007, or certainly mainstream albums. I'm sure if Radiohead release a truly hideous album the backlash will be huge.

    in rainbows is a solid offering no doubt. top 5? not even close (in my book)
    Athens, Greece: 2006/09/30

    "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
  • glasshouse wrote:
    1. Hating popular bands just because they’re popular (Beatles, Dylan etc)
    2. Badmouthing critically detested bands (Nickelback, Creed) because you’re so fucking afraid that people would assume you like “crappy” music if you don’t join the mindless rant.
    3 .Critics and fan boys alike playing it safe (i.e. In Rainbows voted top 5 release of 2007 [Metacritic])
    4. Sending bands you don’t like straight to hell (in my case OASIS) for no valid reason except not liking them.

    Random thread. Discuss.

    BTW I am guilty of all 4. And I guess disputes/convergences of these kinds make the whole pop phenomena all the more colorfull and exciting, but non the less, sometimes it all seems so FAKE/PRETENTIOUS
    Yeah, doing 1, 2, 3, or 4 is just silly and pointless. Just listen to music and enjoy it for god sake.
  • PaukPauk Posts: 1,084
    2. Badmouthing critically detested bands (Nickelback, Creed) because you’re so fucking afraid that people would assume you like “crappy” music if you don’t join the mindless rant.

    That REALLY gets on my nerves. Occassionally I listen to Fall Out Boy (only 15 plays in my so very occassionally, but still it's there). That doesn't make me some little emo kid with a crap taste of music. Sure, technically it's the musical equivalent of McDonalds, but they write some solid POP songs that are nice for a laugh. I don't claim they inspire me and I certainly wouldn't put them in my list of favourite bands (wouldn't even mention them if someone asked me what bands I like).

    People have this pre-conceived idea that everything a person listens to must be what inspires them and what they want music to be. I can't live like that. I have music I listen to for fun (i.e. braindead pop music) and music that inspires me (i.e. the music that I find interesting). Deal with it! I see it as kind of like the equivlanet of comic books. Just because someone reads comics doesn't mean they're illiterate morons who don't read any novels.

    I'm definitely guilty of 3. Said In Rainbows was great, awesome, fantastic, best album in ages etc. Listened to it constantly for ages... and now I don't. It's a good album, but not the mindblowing music-changing revelation people (including me) made it out to be. I'm the same with Elliott Smith I guess. Personally I think everything he touches turns to gold (with the one exception being Splitsville...), but I show someone who's never heard of him before a song that I think is awesome and probably one of the best songs ever and the response is usually something like "mergh, it's okay I guess".

    As for 4, I try never to rule a band out completely. Perfect examples are Kings of Leon and Brand New. Thought BN were boring generic emo til the last album. Now listening to the 2nd album half of it isn't bad. As for the other half and the 1st album I can kinda enjoy them as tongue in cheek emo songs (some of the lyrics are hilariously emo). With Kings of Leon I hated them, thought they were nasal and really annoying. Saw them at Reading 05 and thought they were one of the worst bands I've ever seen. Then Because of the Times came out and I saw them twice in 07, and my opinion totally changed. So one album can really make all the difference for me. Sometimes a great album can even make past rubbish albums sound pretty good because you can see the progression, which is impossible to see when you take each album individually.
    '06 - London, Dublin, Reading
    '07 - Katowice, Wembley, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
    '09 - London, Manchester, London
    '12 - Manchester, Manchester, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen
  • KannKann Posts: 1,146
    I mostly do number 4 (same band too). If a band gets on my nerves, no matter what music they put out, it will definitely sound like shit in my ears.
    Concerning n°2, what is funny during these badmouthing sessions is when someone will start defending these bands just for the sake of not agreeing with the majority. Because, let's face it, these bands are undefendable :)
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    glasshouse wrote:
    in rainbows is a solid offering no doubt. top 5? not even close (in my book)
    It's just a matter of opinion though. I resent the notion that I am pandering to music industry elitism by rating In Rainbows so highly. I LOVE Infinity on High by Fall Out Boy for chrissakes, it's a perfect POP album. I am clearly not concerned about my image or how Pitchfork is going to perceive me by my appreciation for a Radiohead album or lack thereof. I just think it's a very good album. So do many others. Doesn't mean I don't also rate some insanely obscure and respectable album like Astor Piazzola's Tango: Zero Hour very highly also. Music is much more subjective than a lot of people would have you think.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    1: only popular bands I hate are the "current" ones like the pop-punk* stuff right now and the "post-Vedder wannabees between '99-'02"...and guess what I'm 100% correct they suck major ass! *got to admit I ike "Thnx Fr Th Mmry" and "Far Away" :o

    2: True I honestly never liked any Creed singles/videos and that's enough for me not to listen to their music! Same goes for Nickelback(Far Away is good song), Limp Bizkit, Lifehouse, afew others.

    3: I only had The Bends, OK Computer & Kid A before and never considered myself a "fanboy"...but when I downloaded In Rainbows...I hated it at first, then gave it a second listen and realized what a fucking AWESOME the album is.
    Second best by RH behind Kid A...not sure about top 5 all-time.

    4: There's only a handful of bands I truly hate/dislikes and the rest I don't give a shit about including the bands I mentioned in #1 & 2.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • hodgehodge Posts: 519
    in rainbows is amazing


    certainly better than anything PJ has put out in years lol
    ..and you will come to find that we are all one mind, capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    hodge wrote:
    in rainbows is amazing


    certainly better than anything PJ has put out in years lol
    so true so true. in the last 8 years, i'll take Kid A & In Rainbows over the three recent PJ studios.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • qontheboardqontheboard Posts: 782
    1. I hated Pearl Jam from 91' to 99'. They were just too damn popular. I love them now. I now have a much more open mind to music new and old, and I'm a fan of some new bands hated by many around here. It's funny, when I read something about people hating a band like the Arctic Monkeys or what have you, it reminds me of myself hating Pear Jam for no reason other than the fact they were popular and that Ed ( at the time ) was a Morrison wannabe.

    2. I used to make fun of bands like Creed and Nikelback. Now I just ignore them.

    3. I like what I like. I don't read reviews or really care what someone else thinks about a band or particular peice of music.

    4. Yes, despite having a much more open mind musically in my old age there are still a few bands or artists I just don't like.

  • toastertoaster Posts: 152
    Guilty of all four of them. And I've also had arguments with friends of mine where I've said I liked a pop group "just to be different" and wanted to prove I wasn't narrowminded, although I didn't like the group at all. Now, that was back when I was 15, so I think I'm kinda over that one.

    I'm still really bad at nr 4 though. For example: HATED Justin Timberlake with great passion until I had to admit he had some catchy tunes. Now I've even got 10 of his songs on my phone :eek:. It kinda bugs me though (mostly because I had to admit that I was wrong).

    Oh, and also: People who used to like a band when they were unknown, and then when the band gets popular, suddenly they refuse to listen to it anymore! Not because they put out a new album filled with love songs or dressed up like emo kids, but just because they went popular. That is one thing I'll never understand.
  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    LongRd. wrote:

    Second best by RH behind Kid A...not sure about top 5 all-time.
    Whoa there :o no one said that :p Top 5 of 2007 is what glasshouse said.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    1. I hated Pearl Jam from 91' to 99'. They were just too damn popular. I love them now. I now have a much more open mind to music new and old, and I'm a fan of some new bands hated by many around here. It's funny, when I read something about people hating a band like the Arctic Monkeys or what have you, it reminds me of myself hating Pear Jam for no reason other than the fact they were popular and that Ed ( at the time ) was a Morrison wannabe.


    Pearl Jam never sounded like The Doors. NEVER did never will. The Doors are overrated.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    Jeremy1012 wrote:
    Whoa there :o no one said that :p Top 5 of 2007 is what glasshouse said.
    Top 5 of 2007? In Rainbows is hands down #1 of '07 :p
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • qontheboardqontheboard Posts: 782
    LongRd. wrote:
    Pearl Jam never sounded like The Doors. NEVER did never will. The Doors are overrated.

    Easy killer. I actually didn't mention The Doors, or insinuate that Pearl Jam sounded anything like The Doors. I did however say that back in the 91' to 94' period Eddie seemed to act like Morrison when on stage. The fact is a lot of singers modeled their stage persona after Morrison.

  • glasshouse wrote:
    1. Hating popular bands just because they’re popular (Beatles, Dylan etc)
    2. Badmouthing critically detested bands (Nickelback, Creed) because you’re so fucking afraid that people would assume you like “crappy” music if you don’t join the mindless rant.
    3 .Critics and fan boys alike playing it safe (i.e. In Rainbows voted top 5 release of 2007 [Metacritic])
    4. Sending bands you don’t like straight to hell (in my case OASIS) for no valid reason except not liking them.

    Random thread. Discuss.

    BTW I am guilty of all 4. And I guess disputes/convergences of these kinds make the whole pop phenomena all the more colorfull and exciting, but non the less, sometimes it all seems so FAKE/PRETENTIOUS

    I'm guessing you are fairly young. you will grow out of even thinking about this stuff eventually, and just start listening to whatever the hell you want and letting everyone else listen to whatever the hell they want. you'll start to like cheesy bands for what they are and just stop caring about what's cool, who's a poser, and what the critics say.
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