10,000 days (wings pt 2)

Is one of the best songs I have ever heard. ever. How the hell does Maynard do it? And how the hell do Tool do it? I mean, total guitar gave the album 9/10 even though they said there are only 5 songs worth listening to. I disagree, given that I really enjoy about 8 of them but still it shows that Tool have got something special and this song is a reminder of that. Masterpiece doesn't begin to cover it.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
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I Listened to the album alot recently. After those 3 killer tracks, wings pt 1 + 2 are awesome
3 & 4 are in a class by themselves. It's the closest thing to Floyd I've heard in awhile
5 is great
6 & 7 are a waste of time
8 could've been a great song if they did'nt try to be too strange
9 blows
10 is great
11 is a waste
I'm out
Untill their will grows tired
i thought the same thing
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
it's not like you drove an hateful spit into his side..
ps I actually think there are 7 good songs there
That is a good point. Led Zeppelin 4 is only 8 songs. I think it would be fine if they only release the 6 or 7 actual songs without all the filler. No one complains that Led Zeppelin 2 or 4 has 8 or 9 songs because they are all great.
What side are you on? LOL!!! You previous post seemed to defend them for only have 6 or 7 real songs and now you say since it was 5 years they should have more songs!
I agree they should have released at least 10 songs no matter the length of the songs.
Now the artwork is an ENTIRELY different subject all together. That is some mind-blowing stuff!!!
I agree..it is their worst album..it does have its good moments, but it also has a lot of throw away material IMO. All in all, pretty mediocre if you ask me.
hypnotic was used earlier in this thread. i completely agree.
~Michael Bolton
I like the album ok, I just wish there were more actual songs. I think "Right in Two" is one of the best songs they have ever done.
I am not blown away by the artwork like everyone else. Big deal a few pictures and 3D glasses? I think PJ's artwork is much better. Plus I like the lyrics included.
vicarious - solid
jambi - solid
wings (all 17 min is one song) - like nothing i have ever heard
pot - awsome
lipan - can live without but cool to listen to
keys - needed for ...
rosetta stoned - HOLY FUCKING SHIT
intension - similar to DRT
right in two - good
viginti trees - allows you to listen to wings 1 and 2 at the same time
songs with lyrics over 60+ mins .... stop bitching about the number of songs. with the arrangements included, i am sure it takes a lot more time to compose these songs than 12 songs of verse verse chorus verse chorus
Untill their will grows tired
It is not bitching. I said I like the album. I like it so much that I wish there were more songs that I would listen to more often rather than experimental bullshit that I will only listen to once.
Since you seem to live and breathe Tool based on your name and signature, you should take a step back and look objectively. Maybe stop sucking on Maynard's dick (pun intended).
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IMHO Wings and 10,000 are incredible. Taken as a whole it's one of the most amazing pieces of music I've heard. If you haven't checked the lyrcis over at toolshed.down.net I would highly suggest it. Very moving... Listen to these two songs with good headphones and so much more will bloom.
What's also cool is the play between "Judith" (A Perfect Circle) and these two songs.. Both deal with Maynard's mother but they come from completely different perspectives. The anger/heal scenario..
Love the record.
I totally agree. It's really interesting hearing him sing about his mother from the two different perspectives. I think Wings for Marie/10,000 days are incredible, and show a completely different side to Tool. This album is totally not what i expected, which in my view is nothing but a good thing.
yeah, what this guy said!
once you 'get' it, it's brillant!
i'll second that, love the record!
-Sylvia Plath