Kim Thayil is one BAD ASS MOFO

Just listening to a live Soundgarden show and fuck me does Kim rip it up on Slaves And Bulldozers.
The guy needs to get something new going on, where he can play that guitar again.
The guy needs to get something new going on, where he can play that guitar again.

Can not be arsed with life no more.
Post edited by Unknown User on
You watch this and tell me this man or this band in general wasn't fuckin phenomenal! Looove this performance, having both his chunkiness and shreddin coming into play, it proves to be a force to be reckoned with!
Kim Thayil is a powerhouse in every which form and would dearrrrly love it if he ever resurfaced!
*bows down to the badass mofo Kim Thayil*
i know.....haven't heard too much from him since soundgarden. why doesn't he form another band or join another one?
i can't even imagine, what his parents had to say when he decided to play music for a job. lol. wow.
we luv you kim!
After last nights listen I meant to grab it for the drive to work and was so pissed when I forgot. I'll have it for tomorrow.
And Slaves & Bulldozers kicks my ass. I wish I were as cool as that song.
Was just listening to Louder Than Love and Badmotorfinger back to back, and holy shittt! The power comin outta this man is inhuman! From one riff to next he is just sending this blazing trail of fury and passion ever further. Much awe and love for what Thayil is capable of!!!
i had to on some badmotorfinger after reading this!!
aaaaaaah ! fuck yes
Kills a pound of pain
SG RUUUULES MY LIFE (well other than PJ of course.
And (((KIM)))???
"From one riff to next he is blazing trail of fury and passion ever further"
PERFECTLY said my girl. I could not agree more. And yes, like the untouchable/how in the fuck? vocalist of the mighty SG, Kim also has superhuman strength! It's true!
Anyone that has seen live footage or that was among the blessed that saw SG live know that he SERIOUSLY demands you...that stage presence is as fierce as the shredding. haha. Evily stalking the audience with those possessed like eyes that look like they're about to pop outta his head! haha. Looking like he's about to eat us. haha. He is such a beast! I looove it! I LOVE THIS MAN! I miss him so much.
Everything about SG is Untouchable...including this bad ass motha!
*bows down repeatedly*
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Was there every any question???
Where can I hear this live Soundgarden show?
Theres about ten SG shows for download in this thread, and one Chris Cornell solo show:) the one I was listening to was the Austin, Tx one.:)
I think I need to give the neighbours a bit of BadMotorFinger before I go pay the bills.:D
Untill their will grows tired
The eyes are the groin of the head.
Yep! The BAD ASS appeared at the AIC show in Seattle last month!! :eek: I feel my heart break even more each time I type/say/think about that. He shreddin it up with AIC on fuckin~~> IT AIN'T LIKE THAT!!!! :eek:
Full on freak out on sooo many levels, but also a huge sigh of relief knowing that the man is still alive.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Thats like heaven AiC and Kim Thayil in the same place jamming together things dont get no better.:)
And of all the songs too!? AHH! :eek:
How perfectly fitting though...super chunky & super bad ass.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I know these bands have been with me through the high times, the low times since becoming a teenager, Soundgarden, AiC, Pearl Jam, Nirvana they have been there and guided me through my journey of life like my four best freinds never abandoning me:)
Excuse my drunkeness but their music touches me like nothing else like a spiritual connection, just blows me the fuck away:)
These bands are SUCH a huge part of who I am. Total spiritual connection. No doubt about it. My relationship with this music has outlasted any boyfriend.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I know silly me:) just felt like I was rambling a bit just never excpected to connect to music in such a way:D
Kim played in the No WTO band with Jello Biafra. He also played on Probot, and I think he played on one song for a WWC album. From everything I've heard through friends, he's not interested in the music business anymore. He still plays, but he's got nothing to prove by going out and starting or joining someone else's band. He said as much a yer or two after SG broke up...something to the effect of "I played in the best band in the world. I have no interest in being a hired gun, or that "black hole sun" guy in someone else's band"
old music:
:eek: OMG!!! How in the world did i manage to miss this news?! Jeeesusss. I'm so glad to hear that he is still doing something to that extent, that literally made my night, lol!
And how much I love this band..even including PJ, AIC, etc it is incomprehensible to even think of how much I love what they have given us. Soundgarden will, as for me as well, always hold suuuch a grip on me such a passion for the band and music they made in itself. Froms Songs like Beyond the Wheel and I Awake to Fell On Black Days and Zero Chance..their diversity in music just baffles and inspires me. To see how they started musically and where they ended is just unbelievable, even more, doing so and keeping their natural element and allowing the music to get better and better even when thought impossible. They have truly taught us so much..even without speaking to us directly. And one can seem to grasp on to that amazingness and just love it for what it is. And making you love the music, unbelievably able to, even more than before. Sorry if I seem to be rambling..but goodness..what this music they create, or any in general, can do to you, eh?..
I've had enough, said enough, felt enough, I'm fine now.
Push me pull me. See ya later
<present tense inhabiter #0003 & Even Flow psycho #0036>
*dreamy face*
I've had enough, said enough, felt enough, I'm fine now.
Push me pull me. See ya later
<present tense inhabiter #0003 & Even Flow psycho #0036>
I bet he has some kind of blistering indictment of the HoF ready to go if/when that day comes. Kim is way too bright for the music business.
old music:
*joins you*
I don't think some of the members of SG really wanted the disband :( Matt said he wished he was more involved in Chris' solo album...
I think Kim is just resting. yeah, yeah, yeah. Shred, baby!