Bridge - 10/25/03
Mansfield I - 6/28/08
Eddie NYC - 8/4/08
Seattle - 9/21/09, 9/22/09
Salt Lake City 9/28/09
LA 9/30/09, 10/07/09
San Diego 10/9/09
Alpine Valley 9/03/11, 9/04/11
Ashbury Park 9/18/21
LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
Phoenix 05/09/22
NYC 9/11/22
Denver 9/22/22
Ashbury Park 9/18/21
LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
Phoenix 05/09/22
NYC 9/11/22
Denver 9/22/22
She looks like she's spazzing out... but who wouldn't be in that situation.
Ashbury Park 9/18/21
LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
Phoenix 05/09/22
NYC 9/11/22
Denver 9/22/22
She certainly didn't know what to do when he first brought her out there but once he started dancing with her, she couldn't stop smiling and got to rockin' out with them.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!