I love their first album, but never got their second two. I would have, but heard that the second two albums were not accoustic like the first one, and so didn't bother picking them up; what I found special about Days what that they could pull of the accoustic hard rock thing really well. Without that going for them, they weren't special enough.
you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
I love their first album, but never got their second two. I would have, but heard that the second two albums were not accoustic like the first one, and so didn't bother picking them up; what I found special about Days what that they could pull of the accoustic hard rock thing really well. Without that going for them, they weren't special enough.
He was on the tv show Intervention. Didn't seem like his music career was going anywhere soon, he was badly affected by his addiction. He spent all his money on meth, fired his band, and moved back home with his parents.
I saw that episode of Intervention! Yeah, it looked like he was about to lose everything. His parents said they would kick him out, and his girlfriend said she would leave him and get his parental rights revoked from their daughter if he didn't go to rehab. He was in a really bad way. :(
Travis Meeks is from Kentucky too! I was just over at the "Would you hit Johnny Depp" thread. It seems to be a day to talk about talented Kentuckians. I dunno. lol
jerry cantrell needs to put his ego shit aside and ask meeks to join surviving members of alice in chains.....meeks writes and plays guitar so it would be a great match
Meeks is insanely gifted. He's getting his act together and getting ready to do some solo touring out west. Check out daysofthenew.com or travismeeks.com
Meeks is insanely gifted. He's getting his act together and getting ready to do some solo touring out west. Check out daysofthenew.com or travismeeks.com
he has been doing that off and on for 5 years ...what a fucking waste.....he shoild meke another record instead of touring so he can buy more crack meth whatever
Meeks is insanely gifted. He's getting his act together and getting ready to do some solo touring out west. Check out daysofthenew.com or travismeeks.com
he has been doing that off and on for 5 years ...what a fucking waste.....he should make another record instead of touring so he can buy more crack meth whatever
ahhh i have one of Trantrics CD
i liked them too bad they only did one album :(
Tantric has there self titled cd and they came out with After We Go a couple of years ago. They are supposed have another one this year! I have seen them twice and met them both times and they are awesome. Check out their stuff, it is really good. They did a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Chains" on After We Go. I can't wait for them to tour Atlanta again!
"That's part of the curse: If you're gonna play the song, you better play it. I've tried to phone in "Jeremy" a few times, and it's tough. It doesn't work."
That red album of theirs I wasn't real into, it kinda confused me!!
But I love their first 2
go get the other two albums...
thank you
from my window to yours
run for your life
i love all his work
Of my innocence... got back my inner sense...
Travis Meeks is from Kentucky too! I was just over at the "Would you hit Johnny Depp" thread. It seems to be a day to talk about talented Kentuckians. I dunno. lol
Peace and Love,
Peace and Love
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
i liked them too bad they only did one album :(
run for your life
Tantric has there self titled cd and they came out with After We Go a couple of years ago. They are supposed have another one this year! I have seen them twice and met them both times and they are awesome. Check out their stuff, it is really good. They did a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Chains" on After We Go. I can't wait for them to tour Atlanta again!
The dirty south needs a fix.