Vic Chesnutt - Supernatural

To me, the Athens, Georgia music scene is quickly becoming the most fascinating music scene in the country...
...and I know this is nothing new, but I'm just catching on. I just downloaded Vic Chesnutt's song "Supernatural" after watching, on youtube, the fantastic version of this song that LIVE did on its Unplugged show.
And holy hell am I blown away... any other Chesnutt fans out there that can point me in the right direction for some additional excellent work of his?
Fellow DBT fans - being that VC is Athen's based, have they aver worked looks like Vic and DBT are on the same label...
This song is fucking amazing...
...and I know this is nothing new, but I'm just catching on. I just downloaded Vic Chesnutt's song "Supernatural" after watching, on youtube, the fantastic version of this song that LIVE did on its Unplugged show.
And holy hell am I blown away... any other Chesnutt fans out there that can point me in the right direction for some additional excellent work of his?
Fellow DBT fans - being that VC is Athen's based, have they aver worked looks like Vic and DBT are on the same label...
This song is fucking amazing...