Ever heard of the Libertines?

If you're from the UK, probably yes, if not probably no, I'm guessing.
They're a great garage-type rock band. Now split up, however they have two fantastic CD's.
I can't get enough of them.
They're a great garage-type rock band. Now split up, however they have two fantastic CD's.
I can't get enough of them.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I thought they were ok. To me they seemed like a band that people thought we destined for heights they could never attain. It wasn't their fault that people hyped them so much, but if you just take a look at Pete Doherty you had to realize that they were in trouble from the start. I first checked them out because I'm a huge Clash fan and Mick Jones produced one (maybe both, I'm not sure) of their albums and spoke so highly of them.
From what I gather, many critics had them pegged as the second coming of the Strokes before their first album landed. Doherty's vocals seem so disjointed and unpolished (which I like), especially on the second album.
It was a band I definitely had to warm up to, but have since enjoyed more.
Cool song but not cool enough for me to buy the albums!
Here's to Dirty Pretty Things making a great album
When I said that people had them destined for heights they never could attain, I didn't really have the Strokes in mind. As far as critics having pegged them as the second coming of the Strokes, I don't think that's far off. The Strokes are more hype than anything else. The only difference that I see is that the Strokes are still a band. I think saying that the Libertines were pegged as the second coming of the Strokes is giving the Strokes far too much credit. I don't think either band is relevant, nor will the ever be, but it seems as if they both had/have the potential to be.
try it. it's fun and clean
Bring it on cause i'm no victim
Chris Cornell
Bring it on cause i'm no victim
On the last few days I've blasted "Don't Look Back into the Sun" with the same frequency Pete Doherty snorts cocaine... just can't have enough of that song, is almost like a physical need... brilliant rock and roll.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
They're great in Europe... and I think that they're "overestimate" (I'm french speaking and I can find a better word).. Babyshambles' album is really good.
fav songs - Vertigo, Campaign of Hate, Time For Heroes
Babyshambles fukin rule an all
" makes much more sense to live in the present tense "