Lamb of God

My guy dragged me to a Lamb of God concert this week.
... so Pearl Jam better play the south in the near future.
Because that was the deal. This would be my last Lamb of God show, in trade he’d go with me if pj tours the south. Oh and go with me to Ryan Gosling’s new movies for the next ten years. hehehe
I love guilt.
He’s a dummy for taking me. I sat there with a frown the whole time. And then he feels bad. I told him a million times I didn’t want to go. He should’ve gone with somebody who likes that kind of music….errrr thrash-banging. He says they’re the best metal band in a long time. I found it odd that there were quite a few black men in the audience too.
So what is it? Why is Lamb of God so popular?
... so Pearl Jam better play the south in the near future.
Because that was the deal. This would be my last Lamb of God show, in trade he’d go with me if pj tours the south. Oh and go with me to Ryan Gosling’s new movies for the next ten years. hehehe
I love guilt.

He’s a dummy for taking me. I sat there with a frown the whole time. And then he feels bad. I told him a million times I didn’t want to go. He should’ve gone with somebody who likes that kind of music….errrr thrash-banging. He says they’re the best metal band in a long time. I found it odd that there were quite a few black men in the audience too.
So what is it? Why is Lamb of God so popular?
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Post edited by Unknown User on
If a donkey dick was in front of Lamb of God, they would suck it.
Does your man like Slipknot? Or does he stick to bands that have no talent?
Why would you start was has no end?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
Check youtube. There's some stuff on there.
Why would you start was has no end?
blondie, how did you sit through that? he sounds like something out of a horror movie.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
not many... but a few
History is the polemics of the victor...
haha, figures they're from west virginia. (sorry to anybody from wv if i offended you). yeah these guys suck and they're assholes as well. i saw a video from them on comcast on demand and they were crashing a little kids birthday party.....stealing candy out of the pinota(i don't know how to spell that), throwing cigarette butts in the kiddy pool, and pushing the parents (women) around like it was cool or something. these guys have some serious issues, they seem very immature. and yes their music is terrible.
eh im sure some ppl can get into it but it was way too hard for me.
They do have some good songs though. I like some of their stuff.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
are there any bands out there heavier than them? gawd i hope not.
and some metal i like. just not 'new metal' i'd guess you'd call it. i like some of megadeth, metallica, iron maiden.
Their are so many harsher bands it is almost impossible to list.
I think all of these bands are better the LoG but they are heavier:
As far as bands who suck more then LoG
i think LoG is kind of fringe. They stay true to metal but sometimes they come close to being mainstream and bland like say Shadows Fall. so maybe they don't bring it as hard as like Amon Amarth but i'll take Lamb of god over shadows fall or some of those other New American Metal bands (except mastodon they are downright filthy and the best metal band out there in my opinion)
also by the looks of it you like some metal that does not have harsh Vocals. That is just a tiny slither of metal. Not that it is bad to like them i love metallica, megadeath and Maiden. for the most part though the better musicians in metal play in harsher (ie less understandable or mainstream vocals)
the music is more about creating an overall feeling and atmosphere. so it is how well you growl or sound like cookie monster not necesarilly what you are saying. It is an acquired taste.
A couple years ago i saw canibal corpse, vile, hypocrysy all onthe same bill and i'm sure you would have hated life even more if you were at that show
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Growling, grunting, grunting while inhaling, and senseless screaming do not sound good. It brings a level of complete shit to every single band that plays with those kinds of vocals. Fucking terrible.
Extremely heavy generic dropped guitar riffs with superfluous pinch harmonics are the same deal as the vocals.
"Singing" about death in the way that those bands do (see: cannibal corpse) is terrible. It demonstrates an utter lack of lyrical talent and effort. You want a great song about murder? Go listen to Nick Cave. Now there's a man who can write some fucking lyrics.
The only logical conclusion I can come to about how people can like this shit is that they haven't been exposed to good music. I know this because everyone I know who listens to said 'shit' has no idea who Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, etc etc... virtually ANY of the bands so many of us hold dear are. I've actually had people tell me they literally have never even heard of Bob Dylan.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I have almost every dylan album. I have every young album obviously all pj and all radiohead including a quite a few b sides. I also like nick drake and elliot smith and many other very good song writers.
that said i love metal too. I love it for what it is. Most of the lyrics suck. although Iron maiden might be the biggest exception to that rule. I accept that becasue i love the power and aggression that the music brings.
the musicianship is incrediable in a lot of these bands. I love listening to Flo from cryptopasy or brann from mastodon drum. It is awesome.
Same can be said for many of the guitarist. Just great musicianship. Plus i like the aggresive feeling the genre brings. I like it for what it is. I don't listen to metal all the time, but it has a time and a place. It is fun.
some folks can't get past the vocals or the lyrics. That is fine. there are many bands out there that rub me the same way i can't get past a certain aspect of their music, to each their own, but i think calling the genre shit is excessive. there are many talented musicians and keep in mind many of the guys writing lyrics are doing it to capture a feeling or emotion. not to change the world
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
that's an interesting take on it.........Cookie Monster. Ha!
na that's not it.
i think people are into it because it's angry. they all just need to chill. but our world is a pretty angry place, so.....
my advice to all those 'thrashers' is to distance themselves. go take a ride out into the country or something.
This is my kind of love...
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
That's the guy from Korn right? He freaking sucks IMO. I've always thought his voice sounds like shit.
This reminds me of Metallica. James used to be a good
No disrespect but he never sounded good. I can't believe he's made it this far. I couldn't stand Korn or Limb Bizkit when they were real popular. I just saw that Korn did a unplugged show. Give me a break. Who the heck would buy that crap? Sorry I'm going off on music I really think is shit.
One thing is true they sure made alot of money. But they never got a dime out of me.
lol hahaha!
the music def does something to people that's for sure. don't know if it's a release for people or just adds to their issues thou.