Army of Anyone
I just recently picked this up and I've been impressed so far. Any of you guys listen to this yet?
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
Post edited by Unknown User on
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
Yea. The Deleos are at the top of their game on this, and sound fucking incredible. Richard Patrick is mediocre at best, and his lyrics are trite. The drummer, Ray Luzier, is talented, but over excited and flashy. All in all, the music is pretty great, and I find it well worth getting. I am really excited to see them play in NYC in February.
top of their game? wow.. have you heard ANY STP record?
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
To me it sounds like Shangri La De Da in a lot of ways....but you're right...Core it is not! but did you actually expect something like that?
Shangri La De Da has some hidden gems and I agree AOA is more like that than any other STP album but I am more a fan of Tiny Music.. the guitar work on that album is in my mind their best.. Core has some really great guitar work aswell.. and Purple has the hits and even more great guitar work.. so the bar is set really high.. I guess that's why I was disappointed with AOA.. I did give it a good few listens but I just wasn't feeling it.
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
Considering they were my favorite band for over ten years, I'd say yes. I'd be willing to bet I've heard more STP than almost anyone else on here. And yes, I think the Deleos sound great on this record. RP and RL, well, they certainly leave a lot to be desired
I agree with you on TM. That is definitely my favorite album of theirs. But I believe that Rob sounds terrific on this album, and that its filed with classic Deleo riffs and sound. I really think that they sound great on this album.
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
i think their drummer did a job better on this album than eric kretz on the last 2 stp albums.....
Ray Luzier was really the only bright spot, as far as I'm concerned. I tend to like flashy drummers. Personal preference, I guess.
I thought Velvet Revolver's album was much better than Army of Anyone's, both in terms of songwriting and musicianship.
AOA is good, but it seems to drag on just about every song. My favorite song on this album would probably be Father Figure. It has great guitar riffs and good vocal styling (The lyrics are weak though).
-Greg Dulli
That's probably my least favorite song. It just sounds too much like Filter, and I'm way much more of an STP guy.
There is supposed to be a new filter album coming out sometime next year. Apparently it's about half way done at the moment....thats the rumor anyway