Bands u didn't like before but like now!

SkooledSkooled Posts: 147
edited December 2005 in Other Music
I couldn't stand incubus, there new stuff is just mainstream crap that is generic and boring. But I recently heard the cd SCIENCE and I love it. It is such a rocking cd I don't know how they could go from that to something like morning view, what a shame!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin...used to hate 'em...can't get enough now. I think it's cos I'm getting older and appreciate music a bit more
    Wave came crashing...
  • Bob WeirBob Weir Posts: 850
    John Mayer, His solo stuff sucks for the most part but his trio is pretty good.
    Rumor has it that he will be covering the Band of Gypsys 69 new years performance this new years eve when he opens(and most likely sits in ) with Phil Lesh and Friends.
    I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
  • mariposamariposa Posts: 2,523
    The older Incubus albums are the best ones....yeah SCIENCE is pretty good.

    And it's nice to see some love with Led Zeppelin. I find that too that when I got older...I got into them more and more. Now they're one of my favourites and I just love 'em. :D

    To answer your question...gotta be the Rolling Stones for me. I could not stand them before...
    "All the strength that you might think would disappear, resolving..."
  • Foo Fighters
    Dave Matthews Band
    We need Pearl Jam in Atlanta!!! 2006-2007

    The dirty south needs a fix.
  • memememe Posts: 4,695
    Pearl Jam.
    Seriously :eek:
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
  • When I was younger I hated Guns n' Roses, mostly cause of Axl Roses voice, then one day I heard Patience on the radio and I actually listened closely and realized how good of musicians they were and I began listening to their other stuff very intently and Axl's voice grew on my and now I love them.
    I was taught a month ago to bide my time and take it slow, but then I learned just yesterday to rush and never waste a day. Now I'm convinced the whole day long that all I've learned is always wrong. Things are true that I forget, but no one taught that to me yet
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    Zep are beginning to grow on me at last. I'm still not a fan of Bonham's drumming though. It doesn't swing enough for my liking; it's too Ye Mighty Hammer of Thor. But I quite like Led Zep III.
  • Zep are beginning to grow on me at last. I'm still not a fan of Bonham's drumming though. It doesn't swing enough for my liking; it's too Ye Mighty Hammer of Thor. But I quite like Led Zep III.

    i have to agree with zep...i didn't care for them at all until recently. my friend sent me a great list of songs to get and it flipped me.

    bands that i hate now and will always hate...incubus, 311, cky...etc etc see where that's going.
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • kdpjamkdpjam Posts: 2,303
    i never hated them, but i didn't understand the big deal about queens of the stone age. til recently when my niece and i went on a trip to washington d.c. and she played me their latest disc. they are great and not what i imagined.
    lay down all thoughts; surrender to the void
    ~it is shining it is shining~
  • Bob WeirBob Weir Posts: 850
    Zep are beginning to grow on me at last. I'm still not a fan of Bonham's drumming though. It doesn't swing enough for my liking; it's too Ye Mighty Hammer of Thor. But I quite like Led Zep III.

    That's funny I hate Zep but love Bohnom.I agree it a little hammer of thorish and not my favorite style but if it wern't for him rock music would not be the same today as almost every drummer now days borrows from him at least a little,including Matt C and of course Dave A.

    I can't imagine anyone not likeing Bohnom but then again I'm a drummer.
    I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
  • Coldplay
    Pink Floyd
    "I Will Scream my Lungs out 'til it fills this Room "

    " I Will Feel Alive as Long as I am Free"

    "Are We Getting SomeThing Out Of this All Encompassing Trip? Makes Much More Sense To Live In The Present Tense"
  • I think it's funny how a lot of people are saying Led Zep are really starting to grow on them and they didn't like them when they first heard them. My experience is the total opposite. I loved them from my first listen of their debut album but recently found that they really don't excite me anymore. Oh well, I'm sure I'll go through a Zeppelin phaze again.
    "I'm a thief, and I dig it"
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    Yeah, I used to love Incubus, but their latest disk was just pathetic and it almost ruins for me the great music they did make.

    To answer the question, Coldplay was a band I used to despise but listen to all the time.
  • PJammin'PJammin' Posts: 1,902

    and a band that i used to like but i find myself not really liking them anymore: Coldplay.
    I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    I was annoyed by Linkin Park. But after giving it a chance I can actually listen to them. I think they just came out during all of that rock/rap crap and I didn't give them any credibility.
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    My taste has changed radically in the past few years..example: I used to HATE Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin, and U2 who all currently occupy my top 3.
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • The White Stripes

    Didn't get it back in the day.
  • SlashSlash Posts: 12
    The Tragically Hip. Used to hate them but now they're one of my favorites.
    I Love Beer
  • I was iffy on Soundgarden before and just now back into them.
    Power without Perception is virtually useless and therefore of no true value
  • I've actually come to dislike more bands. BUT I have discovered many more to replace the ones I've lost interest in.
  • poto101poto101 Posts: 406
    U2, used to think they were a buncha sell outs(which they are) but one day i heard a block of their music on the radio and gave them a chance. less than 2 months later i had a ticket to their chicago show (9/20/05) on the floor and have been a big fan since.
    It's all happening....

    East Troy 2003
    Chicago x2, Summerfest x2, 2006
    Chicago THE VIC, Lollapalooza, 2007
    bonnaROOOOOOO 2008
    Chicago x2 2009

    (EV chicago 2008 night 2)
  • BinauralBinaural Posts: 1,046
    Skooled wrote:
    I couldn't stand incubus, there new stuff is just mainstream crap that is generic and boring. But I recently heard the cd SCIENCE and I love it. It is such a rocking cd I don't know how they could go from that to something like morning view, what a shame!

    I love Incubus but when I heard A Crow Lef Of The Murder I almost cracked up, what a piece of EMO shit. Let's hear some decent music on the next CD.

    ~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*

    *^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*

    Dublin 08/06
    Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
  • White stripes
    David Bowie
    I am kloot
    There's a trapdoor in the sun!
    2000 Pinkpop Festival, Netherlands
    2006 Arnhem, Netherlands
    2006 Antwerp, Belgium
    2007 Nijmegen, Netherlands
    2009 Philadelphia 4, PA
    2010 Bristow, VA
    2012 Amsterdam 1, Netherlands
    2013 Buffalo, NY
    2013 Baltimore, MD
    2015 Global Citizen Festival New York, NY
    2016 Hampton, VA

  • bands that i hate now and will always hate... 311

    We will be having words...
    No longer overwhelmed it seems so simple now.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    We will be having words...

    Oh, and Robert Smith is a pussy.


    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation:
  • Binaural wrote:
    I love Incubus but when I heard A Crow Lef Of The Murder I almost cracked up, what a piece of EMO shit. Let's hear some decent music on the next CD.


    I loved Crow Left of the Murder, thought it was their best album. Not one song is bad and brendan did a wonderfull job producing it. I dare you to look at Priceless solo and tell me its one of the craziest solo ever. He picks every note omg. But anyway talk shows, megalomaniac, Made for TV moviem, Pistola all are great songs. Plus great live band, and i dont see the emo connection, Brandon is not wanting to slit his wrists on any songs. The only song where he talking about anything emoish is Agorapohebia and here in my room.
  • SathogwaSathogwa Posts: 227
    Zep are beginning to grow on me at last. I'm still not a fan of Bonham's drumming though. It doesn't swing enough for my liking; it's too Ye Mighty Hammer of Thor. But I quite like Led Zep III.

    You know, I used to think the same thing about Bonzo's drumming. But the more I listened to it, the more I was blown away. For someone who can slam his kit like he did, he plays with some amazing dynamics. And he swings like a motherfucker! That's why that band was so devastating. They were like a heavy rock version of James Brown's band. Their groove was so insane. They were FUNKY. Page's riffs were nasty, JPJ was/is one of the best bass players ever, and the way Bonzo played off of, and with the two is genious. What he could do with his kick drum was amazing, and he made it appear effortlessly, like he never had to break a sweat. This is the same impression I get when listening to great funk and R&B bands like James Brown or the Meters. If Bonham or John Paul Jones had not been in Zeppelin, that band would not have worked. Or if they did, it would be a pale shadow of what they were. Just another flat, flaccid, 70's boogie band.

    Give it a second chance and listen closely, and I think you'll see what I mean. If not that's cool too. Everyone has their own opinion.
    Sleep on horseback
    Far moon in a continuing dream
    Steam of roasting tea

  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Not a fan of Bonham's drumming???!?! :eek: Damn! I literally forget that opinion actually exists!! :eek: haha. LOL @ the " Ye Mighty Hammer of Thor" comment though. That did make me laugh. I still think Bonham is THE best rock drummer there ever was. He is in a superior league ALL his own. But hey, to each his/her own. Focusing on the good....very cool to hear Zep is growing on you. :) Love all their stuff but Led Zep II is definitely the one I've always found myself completely, overly obsessed with.

    OK...getting back to the topic though. :p hehe. Just couldn't resist commenting on that. ;)

    Bands u didn't like before but like now!

    2 really stand out for me....

    FOO FIGHTERS ~ Never thought much of them even though their songs would always get lodged in my skull and I'd walk around constantly singing them. :p I just never really considered myself a fan. Then out came In Your Honor. Completely blew my mind and made me reevaluate the whole "I'm not sure if I'm really a fan" thing. Yes, I'm a fan and can finally admit with confidence that I like them. :D

    DAVE MATTHEWS ~ I've had problems with him for a loooong time. Sadly he is one artist I reeeeally feel like I should like, but something just never worked out there. Love his lyrics SO much...he really has such a gift there, such a gift in general. I've always admired and appreciated the talent but something just never connected with me. Well thanks to one of my dearest friends who asked me to describe the things that bother me about his music...the violent horns, his weird twang etc.....she made me a mix cd of gentler Dave songs and BAM!!! I've found Dave that I actually LOVE! :D I'm very happy about that. I also went with her to see DMB live and that uped some points big time as well. SO yeah, I'm a selective fan with him...but a fan no doubt. We've had our problems, and still have our differences.....but we've met halfway and now we're friends. :D

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • bigmuzzbigmuzz Posts: 299
    you am i...........i used to bag them in high school, simply because some chicks i knew liked them, so i called them a chick band.......but a couple of years ago i actually gave them a listen and enjoyed it..........

    now i love how the tables turn.............cos now all my friends bag me out, cos i used to bag them out for the same thing.........


    "i was young, it wasnt my fault"...blame the hormones.
    Sydney Wed 8 Nov 2006....

    when all are one and one is all, to be a rock and not to roll.........

    see me @

    keep on rockin!.......
  • PHATJPHATJ Posts: 348
    Coldplay. Hated 'em, not so much these days...
    "I'll Ride the wave where it takes me. I'll Hold the pain. RELEASE ME!"

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