I'm going to both shows but primarily for the Hip and SR. Unfortunately, my wife is a Hedley fan and wants to go to that show as well. Somebody say a prayer for me, please!
I'm going to both shows but primarily for the Hip and SR. Unfortunately, my wife is a Hedley fan and wants to go to that show as well. Somebody say a prayer for me, please!
Well enjoy Friday night and well try to live through Sunday night. I think you will need LOTS of beer for Sunday night. Are you coming to PEI for the show or do you live here?
I am going to the Matt/Sam/Hip show- but I think you know that Beck
Funky- I am sorry about your wife (LOL I mean that you have to go to Hedley...not that you have one!). Beck and I were at the Junos and they played....it was...well- it wasn't good. That singer is an odd little character. We concluded his movements were a cross between Mick Jagger and Peewee Herman ?
I can't wait 'til Friday! Yippeeeee. Anyone else going?!
Sam Roberts Band is great I met the guys and they invited me and my 5yr old in for their soundcheck last time they were in town. Super nice guys and now our daughter has a crush on Sam
Sam Roberts Band is great I met the guys and they invited me and my 5yr old in for their soundcheck last time they were in town. Super nice guys and now our daughter has a crush on Sam
She's not alone. I think every girl I know has a crush on Sam.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
She's not alone. I think every girl I know has a crush on Sam.
ha ha true...and now our daughter has the pic of her and Sam blown up and framed on her wall...oh well nothing wrong with liking boys who play in a band;)
Well enjoy Friday night and well try to live through Sunday night. I think you will need LOTS of beer for Sunday night. Are you coming to PEI for the show or do you live here?
I'm going to be driving back and forth for both shows from Monkeytown. I did it last year too and it wasn't so bad. Previous to that we had camped for the shows but that has kind of fallen by the wayside. See you guys there!
Where is all this taking place. I know Sam Roberts are playing north of Toronto this weekend, but what about the Hip? Are they only playing on Friday, or are they playing some Saturday or Sunday too?
Where is all this fun taking place? ahhh the lovely Prince Edward Island of course. Canada day weekend equals the 'Festival of Lights'. Friday night should be an awesome time, except for the drunkass/punkass kids of course.
Here are some pic's of our daughter with Sam and the band from when we ran into them a few months ago and they invited us to their soundcheck. The pic's are pretty cute if you wanta take a look here's a link:
Here are some pic's of our daughter with Sam and the band from when we ran into them a few months ago and they invited us to their soundcheck. The pic's are pretty cute if you wanta take a look here's a link:
That is SO flippin' awesome ... And its funny, because most people don't realize that the band stopped playing this song live ages ago. I told my buddy and he said "And? That's like Pearl Jam playing Jeremy, isn't it?" ...
small town beck must have been making the rounds yesterday because I ran into her too. What a small world! I must say that it was quite a kickass show despite all the assholes that were pushing toward the front. You couldn't help but love Gord when he said: "Hey wanna talk to you, and you, and you (pointing towards the back)...these people up front got here before you, AND THEY'RE BETTER LOOKING THAN YOU, you can't use brute force to get up front, it doesn't work that way on the island!"
Here's the Hip's setlist:
Blow At High Dough
Music at Work
It Can't Be Nashville Every Night
Lake Fever
Springtime in Vienna
Gift Shop
The Dire Wolf
At the Hundredth Meridian
Something On
The Last of the Unplucked Gems
Ahead by a Century
Grace, Too
Fire in the Hole
The Lonely End of the Rink
That is SO flippin' awesome ... And its funny, because most people don't realize that the band stopped playing this song live ages ago. I told my buddy and he said "And? That's like Pearl Jam playing Jeremy, isn't it?" ...
13 years without playing 38 yrs. old! last time they played it live before last week was 1993 in markham ontario.
edit : 1993-07-24 to be exact, before that show at fort york. so almost 13 yrs....
small town beck must have been making the rounds yesterday because I ran into her too. What a small world! I must say that it was quite a kickass show despite all the assholes that were pushing toward the front. You couldn't help but love Gord when he said: "Hey wanna talk to you, and you, and you (pointing towards the back)...these people up front got here before you, AND THEY'RE BETTER LOOKING THAN YOU, you can't use brute force to get up front, it doesn't work that way on the island!"
Oh I am everywhere, FM
It was a pretty good show. I was astounded by the assholes in the crowd :( After the third person fell on top of me I decided that perhaps farther back might be better for me. It just got a little too ugly up there for me. I managed to hold my own but eventually I just tired of the the whole thing.
Girl on a Ledge and I were standing farther back and I said "hey do you see a garbage can?" and her reply was rather dry, "no, but I see plenty of trash". LOL
The first time I saw the Hip was GA on the Day for Night tour. The crowd was super into it and you couldn't actually move of your own accord but it was peaceful and people were respectful.
I loved what Gord said. They are such an amazing band to watch.
Well enjoy Friday night and well try to live through Sunday night. I think you will need LOTS of beer for Sunday night.
Funky- I am sorry about your wife (LOL I mean that you have to go to Hedley...not that you have one!). Beck and I were at the Junos and they played....it was...well- it wasn't good. That singer is an odd little character. We concluded his movements were a cross between Mick Jagger and Peewee Herman ?
I can't wait 'til Friday! Yippeeeee. Anyone else going?!
Sam Roberts Band is great
She's not alone. I think every girl I know has a crush on Sam.
-Tom Waits
I'm going to be driving back and forth for both shows from Monkeytown. I did it last year too and it wasn't so bad. Previous to that we had camped for the shows but that has kind of fallen by the wayside. See you guys there!
I love Sam!
it's going to be a great show. wish i could be there.
Cool. I just heard fifty mission cap on the radio .. I hope they play that. oh and wheat kings. So many songs I want to hear
See you there, funkymonk!!!
I heard a rumour that Girl on a Ledge was having some kind of crazy party Friday night
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
Those are awesome pics!! Lucky girl!!
Oh and see you there, Lost Clay!
Someone has to keep things interesting
hope the weather get's better it's downpourin here in summerside
nice pics up there
somebody over on the hipbase forum posted a partial soundcheck for the hip!!!
which included : Dire Wolf, ahead by a century and INCH AN HOUR!
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
That is SO flippin' awesome ... And its funny, because most people don't realize that the band stopped playing this song live ages ago. I told my buddy and he said "And? That's like Pearl Jam playing Jeremy, isn't it?" ...
It better not rain here!!! You keep that freakin' rain in S'side!!!
Last time Sam played this weekend it was a down pour and MORE. It was a bit dodgy really!!
hehe all clear now and sunny (w/ a few clouds) hopefully that system's moving west instead of east!!
even though it did downpour @ that sam show i had a blast, what a night!
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
It was a blast. I think I still have some of that mud on my Doc's. Not sure what to wear footwear wise tonight just in case it is a repeat downpour.
Stay Sunny!!!!!!!!
Here's to the Hip!! *cheers*
i hadn't been up front for a GA show in awhile, im payin for it now, pretty rough,
nice seeing ya small town beck even though it was for just a few seconds
what a show!! my ears are ringin BAD today lol
here's some pics
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
Here's the Hip's setlist:
Blow At High Dough
Music at Work
It Can't Be Nashville Every Night
Lake Fever
Springtime in Vienna
Gift Shop
The Dire Wolf
At the Hundredth Meridian
Something On
The Last of the Unplucked Gems
Ahead by a Century
Grace, Too
Fire in the Hole
The Lonely End of the Rink
13 years without playing 38 yrs. old! last time they played it live before last week was 1993 in markham ontario.
edit : 1993-07-24 to be exact, before that show at fort york. so almost 13 yrs....
Oh I am everywhere, FM
It was a pretty good show. I was astounded by the assholes in the crowd :( After the third person fell on top of me I decided that perhaps farther back might be better for me. It just got a little too ugly up there for me. I managed to hold my own but eventually I just tired of the the whole thing.
Girl on a Ledge and I were standing farther back and I said "hey do you see a garbage can?" and her reply was rather dry, "no, but I see plenty of trash".
The first time I saw the Hip was GA on the Day for Night tour. The crowd was super into it and you couldn't actually move of your own accord but it was peaceful and people were respectful.
I loved what Gord said. They are such an amazing band to watch.